Uline S 16988 Template For Cover
I am a former employee of Uline. I worked there for a little over 3 years before deciding that I was not in a position that aligned itself with my career goals and moved on. I thought I would share my opinions of the benefits and drawbacks of working for Uline. If you want the short answer: the drawbacks surpass the benefits by far.
Bonuses - Uline does offer bonuses in a variety of forms. Some are designed to give employees some additional cash around that ever expensive holiday/end of year period. Others are incentives for smaller cash amounts on a weekly basis. If you are an individual who values monetary reward over a cozy work environment, you will enjoy a career here. Growth - Contrary to what so many posters seem to think, the growth rate at Uline is actually a very real figure.
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The constant posting of job openings do not reflect excessive attrition, though some of it is. The majority of job openings stem from a growth rate over the last 5 years that has averaged around 30%, and internal promotions. Which leads me to. Promotion Potential - If you couple the amazing growth rate with a demonstrated desire to advance, you are bound to move vertizally at Uline, and quickly. After 6 months at my position, I was promoted several levels in a single job, and 6 months later was promoted another level. Again, if you are hungry for advancement and monetary gain, Uline might be a great fit for you.

Drawbacks in the next post. Drawbacks: 1. Culture - Uline is run much like communist China. While the rhetoric, slogans, and mottos all focuses on and team effort, the majority of decisions and activities center around leader worship of the family owners. President Uihlein = Chairman Mao.
The leadership is very top drive, with little room for fresh ideas from the field. Innovative thought and ideas that challenge the established order are crushed like political dissenters in Tiananmen Square. If you work at Uline, you better be ready to march lock step with your beloved Chairman.

Restructing - As mentioned in another post, I can confirm that Uline is a fan of 'restructuring' a department to get rid of undesirable employees, i.e. Innovative thinkers or individuals who every have vocalized their thought that 'we can do this better.' In my three years I watched my department get restructured over 5 times. Each time, undesirable individuals were not fired but instead relegated to positions that were meant to demean them and eventually inspire them to quit. One example: A manager who at one point oversaw over 50 employees was reassigned after a 'restructuring' to sitting at a fax machine and typing in the orders that arrived.
She left a month later. Employees at Uline are rarely fired or demoted, the management prefers to shame them into leaving on their own.
I suspect it has something to do with a desire to not pay unemployment. Belle-Michele in Minneapolis, Minnesota said: Uline, in a certain in Minnesota, is sort of a standing joke among a number of experienced, qualified CSRS that I know.
They advertise CONSTANTLY. If their was due mostly to expanding (if you want to correlate the constancy of the ads to an increase in business/need for new employees) the location that keeps would be the size of a football field. I was told by several people to go interview there and I would understand immediately why they had such a high turnover rate.and why everyone laughed when I talked about applying there. Don't waste your time if you are over 23.maybe 25 if you really, really, REALLY look young.
The time I went and interviewed it was eerie.there was NO ONE, except the male hiring manager, that looked over the age of 22. Obviously the hiring manager (obviously in his late 40's and not exactly a 'hottie' by ANY stretch of the imagination) surrounded himself with ONLY young, attractive women and a few young guys that wouldn't challenge him. The popular theory is that of those that don't leave due to the reasons most young and often irresponsible young workers do--those remaining, any reaching the ripe old age of 24, are quietly euthanized in some back room. All that plastic packing material and unlimited access to duct tape and cardboard packing boxes definitely comes in handy! So if you're 19 and a cutie, or that serious young man (age 18 to 23) that thinks this is the fast track to success, have at it.
Just remember, someday, YOU too will be 38, experienced, with a degree and be viewed by some place of employment (uh, say like Uline) as a senile, decrepit old person tottering on the edge of the grave and utterly unemployable. Read the comment by Estela Greenfield posted below. You are extremely incorrect in your assessment of Uline.
Perhaps some research would have saved you from stating bold and inaccurate info. Incidently, we the people of the USA, are able to give our opinions because of an ammendment on a piece of paper that I think is titled the Constitution. 'Never have so many, owed so much, to so few'. Mildly curious as to why happy, content, and present, employees of Uline are even perusing this site. Anyone notice how defensive,and simultaneously offensive some replies are? Are the protests a little too fervent Shakespeare? Why are theoreticaly superior beings so vehemently antagonistic to bitter, inferior ones?
Are the personal attacks on Comrade posters mandatory according to company policy? Is it Neccessary?
Anybody need a shot of antevenom like I do? Overwhelming majority of employers on this site post, hire, then Move On. How many stick around long enough to even attract comments? Uline might do well to buy out this site, and perhaps some temp agencies. I am presently happy and content to live in CA.
Doesn't really bother me how many people bad mouth the state to prospective movers. If fact, I cheer those negative PR people on, and wish them much success in discouraging people from moving here. CA does not need to constantly, and feverishly advertise to get people to move here. I have dream that day we could turn over residents as well and as consistently as Uline turns over it's workers. To the grammar and spelling police, you are a good emulation of the petty harrasment I personally witnessed when I was a Uline employee. Will you ticket me for abbreviating California?
FMI-For mgt's info, I used the bathroom once(number 1), and talked on the phone for 3.3 minutes while writing this post. Please lighten up and not take it personally. As Michael Corleone said, ' It's nothing personal, it's just '. Probably ticket me for this too>Darwin and Nietzshe are soil nutrients. >>JESUS is The Man, and the son of GOD. S said: Whoa! Ok firstly - who cares about spelling on a message board - I am sure you all would be a lot more accurate if you were typing a job application.
*deleted for space* Thirdly - any company who speds so much time new and many job positions - must have a big problem with staff turnover - no company grows that fast. So steer clear. *deleted for space* The conclusion? - It might look like a huge job market out there - but 50% are just agencies collecting resumes- 30% of the depts are incompetent - ie - 18% of the jobs are fictious and dont even exist - that leaves probably 2 jobs from a 100 that are genuine.
Its great to see feed back from everyone on this job board - its makes one realise what a con most of the jobs are! 84.7% of all statistics are made up on the spot. LOL!%^) Uline job posting/ practices sound a lot like Home Depot and Haverty's.
I won't bother. There are better jobs out there and I've got better things to do with MY time!! Good to see these comments, though! PS, TO ALL POSTERS: Try opening Word, typing your post in Word, USE SPELL CHECK, then cut & paste to the board before submitting. OK, flame away!! Christopher Dennis in Minneapolis, Minnesota said: I applied at the Eagan Mn. Uline and when I did a follow up call all I got was a serious attitude!
Was rude and disrespectful so I told them I could not work for that type of a company that treated a potetial employee like dirt. Come on, If they treat some one applying like that, how would they actually treat an employee aleady there?
Same experience. Extremely unprofessional and the in-person interviewer seemed more fit to work behind a nasty dive bar in northern WI serving pabst blue ribbon than conducting an interview, let alone a technical interview.
Also, I applied and interviewed for a MIS technician position which I was competantly qualified for, but all of their pre-interview paperwork dealt with selling products. It goes to show they can't differentiate between an IT worker and a car salesmen. Change your model, ethics and recruitment practices and you could be a respected organization in the Twin cities area. Until then, you are one company that I will constantly bring up when talking about 'ugly' companies I have applied and interview for. I am a current employee of Uline. I have been there for about 3 years. I have never heard of a department restructuring to get rid of poor employees.
I can say that in the time I have worked for Uline, these 3 departments have had high turnover rates:, MIS and Sales. The growth rate is very real. We will hit 1 billion in sales later on this year. They are always looking for good employees.
There is nothing wrong with wanting an employee to present a professional attitude. Uline is privately held and can do what they want. It is a good place to work. I have had 1 referral hired. If you are not afraid of working hard, this is a good place to be. Susan in Evanston, Illinois said: Patti to be quite honest, I believe you do not want to work there; here are the reasons why.
They have been for the exact same 3 positions on and of for over 1 year. So what is the problem there? Either they are extremely difficult to work for or the environment is unfriendly or even with all their testing they do not know how to select candidates.
As an example the same position of Application Programming Manager was posted November 14 (aprox) and now it is posted again, the Query was posted in June 25 (aprox) and now it there again. I do not know about you but it is enough for me to stay away from them. Good Luck in your job search. Take it from someone that left Uline a couple of weeks ago. You DO NOT want to work for Uline. They treat their employees like crap on a daily basis.
The criticize you in front of other employees. It is a very negative atmosphere. I finally feel like I have my life back.
I put in 10 to 12 hour days with no appreciation. This is what thye expect and if don't put these hours in, you are looked down on. There are much better company's out there then Uline. Here is why Uline is always posting new jobs or reposting jobs. We are growing.
I started 3 years ago and the company did $510 million in boxes, the next year we did $690 million in sales and last year it was $910 million in sales. We are growing and require the best from everyone and require people to actually work. As for the turnover, half the people can't hack it and quit or we let them go. The rest move on to better job and quit after gaining experience from Uline. We train the best.
You are micro-managed throughout the year, but the company cares and takes care of all employees come X-mas time. Uline is not cheap come bonus time. As for the test, if you can't pass them, go back to High School. The basic 2 tests are: a speed test and basic math test. If you are looking for there is a spelling and typing test- most fortune 500 make all new employees take these same test.
For Mgmt positions you are going to need to take personality tests. It is really not that hard.
As for the make up of the company- it is family owned, if you can put in your time, the company will take care of you. If you come in with a chip on your shoulder or think you are above other people- you will not last. Even if you are hired into Mgmt- you are going to have to work up for the bottom. I started in Mgmt and had to do 6 months of non-mgmt work (all while being paid as a mgr). It is a take it or leave it company. But a very stable company in it for the long haul.
Ken in Schaumburg, Illinois said: wow, impressed. Camera Software For Nokia N95 Download. You can can color in the lines.
Way to go!!!! Tests are for school, interviews get jobs. Wow this is fun to read. If you don't pass the tests you don't get an interview (Fail any test and no interview).
Also Uline is all about past work History- don't have gaps in time. 2004-2005 at one company and then 2006-to present. If you do have a good reason why. Don't make stuff up on your resume, Uline checks everything.
But to show some examples on how 'bad' the company is: The CA Whse Mgr started as a night 15 yrs ago in IL and they have promoted him all the way to Whse MGR of 3 bldg w/ over 300,000 square feet of building in CA alone. In the spring of 2008 we are moving into a 750,000 sq ft bldg.
The CA MGR started over 17 yrs ago as a basic CSR. And to top it all off, our VP of Operations started off as a basic Sales Rep and then the Uihlein's decided to promoted him to CA Branch Mgr and now he is the VP of the company. How could they treat these people this way. Also in some cases they paid for their schooling or their current schooling. Pretty much if you work hard and can handle the micro managing Uline does at times, you will be rewarded. If you want a Whse job- wear a polo at least and no jeans or shorts.
CSR job dress professional. Sales the same. And no they don't check labels, that is someone taking it to the extreme.
Tops have to match bottoms, that is all. And yes Liz (Owner and Pres) does micro-manage the company, but that is what has made the company sucessful. Everyone is very hands on, and it is tough at times. But, the company takes care of you. The (owner and Husband) is great, super nice and makes a point to try and remember everyones name. Google Maps Per Nokia N97 Download here.
He also hand writes a Happy Anniv. Card on your Anniv. Date with the company. I look forward to reading more comments about jilted interviewee's (sp?). DO NOT WASTE YOUR TIME WITH THIS COMPANY. For those of you out there that were complaining about spelling errors.
Don't even think about using spell check!!!!!!!! Fi yuo raed tihs, yuo hvae a sgtrane mnid too. Cna yuo raed tihs? Olny 55 plepoe out of 100 can. I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm.
Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!
If you can raed tihs forwrad it. OLNY FROWRAD IF YOU CAN RAED TIHS. Anonymous in Arlington, Texas said: I agree. This is a 'wild guess'.
I believe the reason those of you that posted a response were intelligent enough to use a message board, but lacked the to correct your spelling and grammar. Your errors were unsightly! Anyhow, my question is regards to the process at Uline. I have a friend that applied to Uline. He was offered the job, but the company later rescinded the offer due to his references. But the thing is.none of his references were called.
Uline was animate about calling his current employer which I thought was odd due to the fact that it is non uncommon for some employers to be vidictive about their employees leaving for a 'bigger and better opportunities'. Why would Uline call a current employer for a reference?
And if they needed to verify employment, they can easily use a paystub or W-2. Any comments???
Correct your spelling, Mr.VIDICTIVE. Sent in resume three times over, drove and hour and a half for one of their repeatedly advertised 'Career Fairs', took the tests, had an interview, got the rejection letter.
Saw hundreds at this fair - I'm certain they received the same results. Not bitter about the expereince, but certainly will not bother making a fourth effort. Truth is, I would have been better off letting them go after the first resume submission.
Had it not been for that lure of the almighty dollar. Of course, everyone who has responded to this string so far must know by now that the high starting salaries are just that, a lure. Yes, indeed, those who actually make it through the excessive hurdles to get the job will indeed be paid this amount, but if your retention of employees is 2 out of 20 (taken from an earlier comment from the guy in CA), then you aren't really paying out a whole lot of money on employees wages.given being understaffed due to the lack of retention of employees. It's no wonder they advertise 12 hour shifts!) Anyway, my error, not Uline's. But it still begs the question, 'What would be the harm in lowering your advertised starting wage and at the same time perhaps bring aboard a few candidates who where so-so level in talent (in their opinion) a shot?' Would the cost be that great? Would it be so awful that they give 'fairly' talented people living right in the area of their warehouses a chance?
Where's the harm? Any company who serves to be this finicky about who they employ will reap what they sow.
In short, there will likely come some day where the bolt falls off this well-oiled 'perfectly' running machine (company) that they crafted out of the 'elite' crew they hired, and when it does, all their bizarre recruiting tactics will not save this machine from self destruction. My impression is that they undervalue the benefits of what diverse talents could bring to their company (as in an even greater success). I am a recent ex-Uline employee. Everything I am saying below is absolutely true.
There are no lies. This company is absolutely brutal to work for. I wasted a year and a half of my time at Uline. I came in as a middle manager last year being told of grander. I was told I can run my department they way I want.
What a crock of crap. My direct supervisor is a complete jack ass. He completely lied to me at my interview and gave me no for the effort I put in. This person is also everything a manager shouldn't be. This person is verbally abusive, unprofessional, uses profane language every day (the majority of the time the profane language is directed at you), plays favorites, and he talks behind your back to other employees.
This is an awful place to work. Please don't believe they pay great. Even as a middle manager, I was about $10k underpaid. They try to make it up with their bonus plan, which one of them is unreachable right now. In short, don't waste your time with this company.
There are much better company's to work for. I found one and you can find one too. I'd applied for positions at Uline in April when I was laid off and received an immediate rejection email. Just for grins I'd applied again in September and received a call to 'interview.' It took me over TWO HOURS to complete their so-called personality tests and a writing test online, followed by another hour completing the app and various auths to drug test, etc. All this before I'd set foot in the door. The day of my 'interview' with, I was coraled with a group of others into a rooms for more tests, math, spelling, typing.
We'd then waited in the reception area as we were systematically called in one by one, where the HR rep recited about ten questions along of the lines of strengths and weaknesses, proceeded to tell me that the company is not casual and I will be expected to wear nylons Day through Memorial Day and suit jackets must match the slacks or skirt and that will be all for today, I'll be contacted within five days. Day four I'd received another rejection email when there are four admin positions available, all of which I am eminently qualified for. Truth be known, I was angry with myself for wasting my time but very relieved I will not be working in that hellhole!!! No sour grapes, it's a very bizarre company!
Run the other way and don't look back!! My husband applied to Uline in Eagan a few weeks ago. He was called about an interview the same day he applied online.
They were very impressed with his qualifications and seemed to like him. Then they called him for a second interview.
It seemed the same. Two days after that he gets a email stating they were impressed with his qualifications but, chose someone else that fits better with their company. Oh but, they will keep him on file.
I can't help but, wonder if he was passed up because of diversity issues. He could be mistaken but, he did not see anything but, white employees at this location. How often are people of diffrent racial backgrounds hired at Uline in Eagan? I know he was qualified for the position.
First they'd sent me three online tests to be taken prior to my interview with, a personality test, a salesmanship test and a writing test. At the interview, I was then given two math tests, a spelling test and a typing test. Following this, the HR rep ran down a list of questions along the lines of 'strengths and weaknesses' and 'big picture or detail' and then told me that would be all, they'd contact me within five days. On day four they'd sent me a rejection email.
I thought I'd done fairly well on the tests so can only assume it was my personality they didn't like!;) Either way, it is a blessing in disguise that nothing more came of it as I came to realize I do NOT want to work for this company. I was heavily recruited by Uline after applying and taking a personality test. I interviewed with the President who told me I look good for my age and asked my religion and political leanings. These are illegal questions. Not sure if it was some sort of test to see how I'd react, but I played it cool.
She then escorted me to her son's office and proceeded to hold my hand! All her son wanted to do was talk about football. I later heard that he likes to have 'pretty ladies' around the office. I was excited to start the following week based on the great salary, bonus and benefits.
Alas, I had left a job I'd had tenure at as well as a decent salary and benefits for what turned out to be a nightmare. My manager at Uline turned out to be neurotic, paranoid and stole my ideas. I have since found out through the grapevine that if President Liz doesn't like you, you're out. It could be what you wear, what you say. Don't dare have an opinion or direction that is not aligned with hers and never argue a point. I was called into my managers office 16 months to the day I was hired and told things weren't working out.
She couldn't look me in the eye and certainly couldn't tell me why things all of a sudden went sour. My reviews had been top-notch up to that point. I was told that I would be demoted to a lower position and my salary would be cut. I said I needed to think about it.
They didn't give me the time. The following day my manager called me downstairs to a 'meeting.' Upon arriving and seeing an rep there I knew I was about to be 'let go.' My mgr said things weren't working out, got up and left me with HR.
What a coward. She couldn't explain why, because there was no reason why. I have since heard that they have let many others go based on nothing and that's how the place is run. They even let a guy go who had worked for them for 5 years and had cancer. Why risk working there? It's NOT worth it.
They're recruting -age kids now because word has gotten around. To start, your opening sentence is part of the reason why Uline has a horrible reputation in Illinois and across the country. It's caddy and judgmental. In fact it underscores everything negative I have come to know about the company. The average length of service you speak of is most likely related to the warehouse positions where things seem to be a little less restrictive and discriminatory rather than due to 'growth', which is the patented corporate answer for, 'word is getting around that we treat employees poorly.'
Over the years, I have worked with six ex-Uline corporate employees and NONE of them had a decent thing to say about their experience. That's a high percentage.
There are posts for the same positions because word has gotten around. You can promote Uline as much as you want to behind your rose-colored glasses, but you will never get by the real-time experience detailed here. The post that states you let a cancer victim go is accurate because I know him. Shame on you. Money, bonuses, benefits.these material things are fine and good in the short run, but no substitute for common human decency in the long term. Get with it and start realizing that what you reap, you have, and will continue to sow, until the company is sold or goes public.
Bob in Chicago, Illinois said: To start, your opening sentence is part of the reason why Uline has a horrible reputation in Illinois and across the country. It's caddy and judgmental.
In fact it underscores everything negative I have come to know about the company. The average length of service you speak of is most likely related to the warehouse positions where things seem to be a little less restrictive and discriminatory rather than due to 'growth', which is the patented corporate answer for, 'word is getting around that we treat employees poorly.'
Over the years, I have worked with six ex-Uline corporate employees and NONE of them had a decent thing to say about their experience. That's a high percentage. There are posts for the same positions because word has gotten around. You can promote Uline as much as you want to behind your rose-colored glasses, but you will never get by the real-time experience detailed here. The post that states you let a cancer victim go is accurate because I know him.
Shame on you. Money, bonuses, benefits.these material things are fine and good in the short run, but no substitute for common human decency in the long term. Get with it and start realizing that what you reap, you have, and will continue to sow, until the company is sold or goes public.
My REPLY is directed at Irene Doolitle, a Uline employee. First off, the title of this forum should NOT be, 'How to get a job at Uline', but rather, 'Avoid Uline like the plague and run away for your dear life.' I worked there for 2 years, and one day, through a close friend there heard that the tyrant Chairman of the Board disliked me and I was going to be demoted.
There was no reason. My performance appraisals had always been excellent. The scenario is similar to what David presents. (Very well done by the way. I can tell your're an individual, which doesn't go over well at Uline.) I found a job and left before the gauntlet came down. As testimony to Patsy's post, you cannot know from one day to the next whether you'll have a job there or not. I saw many people simply disappear.
They were let go, demoted, fired, whatever.for unexplained or made-up reasons. Uline can do whatever they want and that's unfortunate because messing around with people's lives is at the heart of it and that's just downright evil. RUN AWAY from any want ads you see. You will live to regret it otherwise. Heard about this blog from a someone who told me about an opportunity that has come up at Uline.
Read them all and this is really making me think! But the best comment is yours! I read the whole message with tears of laughter! What you had to say was the most important thing I learned in this blog! I will try it on my friends.
As for Uline I will have to see what happens. I will have to depend on my gut feeling as well as previous experience in my job. I hope I make the right decision! It looks like all the negative info is from ex-employees, so even thought they seem bitter, at least it's all heartfelt. As for the 'glowing' reviews of Uline.
Interesting how these 'employees' refer to the company as if it's theirs. Notice the use of 'we'. We this, we that.
If I didn't know any better I'd say it's management's comments? Is there a bonus Uline pays for watching this blog and posting 'glowing reviews'? Listen I'm all for hard work and giving it all but if you try to run a 'communist china' type of here. You won't get far in this country. At least not the way YOU want. Just a couple of comments RE: the ULINE culture, working at this company, etc.
I've just left them after a year of nothing but false promises, micro-management and simply insane work conditions. I finally resigned on my exact first year anniversary, based upon the fact that the position and the company are part of some weird, unexplainable counter culture that is driven by a very simplistic mantra of 'follow the lemmings' and everything will be all right. If you step out of line for a moment, you are flooded by employee review forms, we're watching you e-mails, etc. My position at ULINE was a regional Sales Manager with the expectation that I would handle 10+ sales reps, $100+ million in sales, etc. I was hired with a strong sales management background, having worked for Pioneer along with Toshiba, over the past 15 years. I was told that I would be able to implement any number of new procedures, based upon my track record of accomplishments. I am here today to let you know that all of this is 100% FALSE!
The work environment is cannibalistic and not suited for anyone who has the ability to think on their feet, be, etc. The emplyees all participate in 'ULINE SPEAK', but when they are away from Big Brother, do nothing but trash the company and complain. The salve they use to ease their monotone, vanilla culture is that 'the pay is great, the benefits just super and the year-end bonuses the best!(not true by the way) Trust me on this one, when I say with the utmost sincerity and as the father of two - if you want to work with the most unhappy set of backstabbing characters on the planet, who don't want to think on their own terms, but rather subscribe to the 'comapny is always right - the company sets the rules - I will follow you into the ocean, since I cannot think for myself' set of practices, then this is the correct setting for you. If not then run, run like you've never run before. You'll be a happier, whole person as a result!
I work for Uline and I'm not in Mgmt. And to the response about Sales- Yes, we are in the office 2 days a week- Mondays and Fridays. Mondays are meetings and call prep-ing and Fridays are call setting days.
We do not cold call, except for twice a year as a contest. All calls are to current customers who are ordering or request a visit. And we set 7 calls a day. Uline is a good company and treats it employees well. If you can stand all the audits.
Audits are done to improve the company, there are many, but get over it. Lots of rumors about this company are not ture, probably like 90%.
Most people are going of hearsay and modifying the truth to make Uline look bad. The negative blogging is probably from the bad-apples that have nothing better to do than b!tch. Grow-up and move on, some people are just not cut out for the real world job place. Irene Doolittle in Saint Paul, Minnesota said: Ouch. Sounds like some of you have a case of sour grapes.
I work at Uline; the reason they constantly post job openings is because they are growing fast. We expect to be a billion-dollar company this summer. We just opened a new branch in Mexico and are opening one in Canada this coming summer, in addition to the six branches running stateside now. Minnesota itself is spilling over into a new facility across the street from the current location. Illinois has expanded to four depots in addition to the main.
It's a great company, awesome pay, perfect benefits. We receive cash bonuses based on daily sales, free gym memberships, //vision, 401k, year-end bonuses, two weeks minimum paid time off, and profit-sharing.
Uline is a very exclusive company with high standards and one of the lowest turn-over rates in the country, as a matter of fact. The average employee stays with Uline 3-4 yrs., which is HUGE in this industry. If you want a job with us, dress professionally! Every day I watch applicant after applicant come in wearing ridiculous clothing, entirely inappropriate for an interview. This is 'Finding A Job 101', people. Men, wear a tie, even if you're applying for a position. Women, skirt or 3-piece.
This complies with our office dress code and will help you stand out. Also, research the company history! Let the person interviewing KNOW you want the job by putting in the extra effort. Take your time on the tests. They must be flawless.
Uline's ratio is more exclusive than Harvard's acceptance rate. (This is a statistic published internally at Uline on our server.) Granted, the applicant pool isn't quite the same. But in Minnesota, for example, interviews run 8 hours/day. I would estimate interviews occur, at minimum, one per hour daily. It's a competition; up your game. One thing is certain: the grammar and spelling errors posted here don't fly. Another funny tidbit about Uline- you need to sign a waiver that states you are now ineligible to work at any of their competitors.
They also threaten to send that letter to a future employer if you decide to quit. The managers there are pretty much useless.
All I ever see them do for about 90% of their day is walk around and talk to each other while we are supposed to stay focused and keep working (hard to do when they are laughing and talking right by you). Got something to say Irene Doolittle? Do I sound like a sour grape? Work Place Blogs in California said: I work for Uline and I'm not in Mgmt.
And to the response about Sales- Yes, we are in the office 2 days a week- Mondays and Fridays. Mondays are meetings and call prep-ing and Fridays are call setting days. We do not cold call, except for twice a year as a contest.
All calls are to current customers who are ordering or request a visit. And we set 7 calls a day. Uline is a good company and treats it employees well. If you can stand all the audits. Audits are done to improve the company, there are many, but get over it. Lots of rumors about this company are not ture, probably like 90%.
Most people are going of hearsay and modifying the truth to make Uline look bad. The negative blogging is probably from the bad-apples that have nothing better to do than b!tch. Grow-up and move on, some people are just not cut out for the real world job place. IF YOU LIKE THIS THEN THAT IS GREAT IF YOU ARE HAPPY,GOOD. ULINE IS A STRANGE COMPANY BUT IT DOES APPEAL TO YOUNG PEOPLE AND THEY ARE VERY FUNNY ABOUT WHO THEY HIRE. THEY DO DO ALOT OF.