Patent Pilot Program Judges
Three of the federal district courts in California have adopted “Patent Pilot Programs” designed to allow some of the judges within the districts to develop expertise in handling patent cases (and cases under the Plant Variety Protection Act). Download Game Motogp 2013 Pc High Compressed. The Pilot Programs revise the way in which patent and plant variety cases are assigned to judges within the district. In keeping with current practice, such case will continue to be, initially, randomly assigned to judges throughout the district without regard for the assigned judge’s expertise in handling such cases.
Under the Pilot Programs, however, a separate pool of judges having (or seeking to develop) expertise in patent and plant variety cases will be established. Within 28 days after the initial random assignment of a patent or plant variety case, the randomly-assigned judge has the option of declining to hear the case. If the randomly assigned judge declines, the case is re-assigned to one of the judges in the “patent pool.” The three district courts that have adopted Pilot Programs are the Northern District (Northern District General Order No.
PATENT CASES PILOT PROGRAM. A pilot program in certain United States district courts to encourage enhancement of expertise in patent cases among district judges. The Patent Pilot Program: Reassignment Rates and the Effect of Local Patent Rules. By Ron Vogel*. The Program works as follows: patent cases filed in participating district courts are randomly assigned to a district judge, regardless of whether that judge has been designated to hear such cases. A judge who is not.
Saravanan Meenakshi Serial From First Episode there. 67), the Central District (Central District General order No. 11-11) and the Southern District (Southern District General Order No. In the Central and Southern Districts, the Pilot Programs apply to cases filed on or after September 19, 2011. In the Northern District, the Pilot Program will apply to cases that are newly filed or transferred to the district on or after January 1, 2012. The initial members of the “patent pool” in the Northern District have been announced. They are: Chief District Judge James Ware, Senior District Judge Ronald Whyte, District Judge Jeffrey S.
White, District Judge Lucy Koh and District Judge Edward Davila. Also in the Northern District, a number of Magistrate Judges have expressed interest in increasing their expertise in patent cases, and, subject to consent of the parties, will be assigned to patent cases. The participating Magistrate Judges are: Elizabeth Laporte, Joseph Spero, Laurel Beeler, Donna M. Ryu, Paul Grewal, Jacqueline Scott Corley, and Nathanael Cousins.