Delivery Spreadsheet

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Delivery Spreadsheet

Executive branch agencies of the federal government are required by law to tell vendors if and when they plan on making purchases. Everything from printers to elevator maintenance is “forecast” out to industry so that companies can anticipate when and how to compete to do business with the government. The General Services Administration (GSA) was forecasting using a crowded spreadsheet containing dozens of columns and hundreds of rows — all of which had to be updated manually.

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As part of Administrator Denise Turner Roth’s, 18F helped create a new, to display and allow for keyword search and filtering. Making it easier for business The (OSBU) is required to compile projections of contracting opportunities that small, disadvantaged, and women-owned businesses may be able to perform. However, GSA was only publishing their own agency data — thus requiring businesses to go to dozens of agency web sites just to find forecast information for those agencies. OSBU’s original vendor forecast featured thousands of rows of complex data As 18F began development, we spoke with a variety of small businesses across the country to learn what information is most important to them when deciding to pursue federal contracts. The findings from this research (searching by NAICS code, filtering by location) directly informed the design and layout decisions we made when building the tool. We used the to ensure the site looked great on mobile and tablet devices.

Performance improvements and iteration Ultimately, 18F used an -first approach to build a lightweight, easy-to-use Django application with a simple backend that OSBU can use to quickly update forecasts. With easy updating, vendors have up-to-date forecasting information throughout the year instead of just quarterly. During research and development, we also found that GSA and external users had a variety of unique use cases; providing an API makes integrations with and extensions of the data possible. We also uploaded five additional agencies’ forecasting data into the tool to allow businesses to search one time to see a larger universe of results. For vendors who prefer to use the spreadsheet, the tool allows users to download filtered spreadsheets containing their specific search results. The beta version of the site is available at and you can read OSBU Director Jerome Fletcher’s announcement post about the tool. The new GSA forecast tool is mobile optimized and allows for keyword searching across multiple agencies.

If you have any questions about the tool, email. Meanwhile, if you would like to stay informed about other 18F acquisition projects, sign up for. Duane Rollins also contributed to this post. Related posts • May 12, 2015 Today, 18F and the General Services Administration (GSA) launched a powerful new labor category and pricing research tool to help the federal contracting community make smarter, faster buying decisions. • October 28, 2016 The Technology Transformation Service recently held an industry day to talk to the private sector community about our vision, our projects, and how GSA and vendors can work together to bring modern digital services to the federal government.

Ride 1998 Free Download on this page. For that event, California’s Stuart Drown recorded a short video talking about 18F’s work with California on their Child Welfare System. • February 19, 2016 This past December, 18F launched a micro-purchase platform to enable vendors to place bids on opportunities to deliver open source code that costs $3,500 or less. This is a look at how and why we built this platform. Closing tab • • • • •.

Please download our.csv spreadsheet template to get started. This template can be opened and edited using Microsoft Excel. Please note that non-English characters and symbols cannot be used in contact names. The following is a list of supported characters: English letters A-Z & Numbers, underscore ( _ ), space, period (.), ampersand (&), apostrophe ( ' ), hyphen ( - ), comma (, ).

FORMATTING THE.csv SPREADSHEET • Do not change the template column headers, otherwise the spreadsheet will not upload correctly. • You may type or paste your contacts into the template. • At minimum, the 'Email' column needs to be completed. • Save your.csv spreadsheet. RE-FORMATTING AN EXISTING.xls/.xlsx/Google SPREADSHEET AS A.csv FILE At minimum, you will need a 'Name' column and an 'Email' column set up exactly as shown above. Once your.xls/.xlsx spreadsheet is complete, save your file as a.csv file by going to File >Save As.

Then under File Format: go to Comma Separated Values (.csv) and then Save. NOTE: Please save your.csv files by following these steps, as simply re-typing or typing over a file's extension to change it (i.e..xls/.xlsx to.csv) may cause upload issues. Or, once your Google sheet is complete, save your file as a.csv file by going to File >Download As >Comma-separated values (.csv, current sheet). UPLOADING YOUR.csv SPREADSHEET • On your Add Guests delivery page, click on the 'File Upload (.csv,.vcf)' link. • On the Add Contacts / Upload a File modal that appears, click on the 'Upload File' button. • Navigate to where you saved your.csv file to select it for uploading.

Please note that only. Liquor License Lubbock Texas here. csv files can be accepted for uploading. • The contacts will upload to your Add Guest delivery page automatically: NOTE: Any duplicates or invalid contacts will result in and remain in the modal until duplicates are deleted and/or invalid email addresses are corrected.

If you need further assistance, please and we're happy to take a look!