Bajaj Vespa Serial Numbers

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The location of the VIN or frame number on a Vintage Vespa varies according to the type of model it is. These photos should help you find it on your frame, although there are a few rarer models that have it in a different location.

If its an Italian vintage Vespa, its going to start with a 'V'. If its starts with some thing else, like a B, its not from Italy, and may well be a clone made by a licensee. Dsc Pc585 Default Master Code there. You may see a DGM or IGM number on the frame. Its the Italian Department of Motor Vehicles licensing/homologation number, and thousands of other scooters just like yours will have the same number. Vespa Smallframe VIN or frame number location.

Bajaj Vespa Serial Numbers

As you sit on the scooter, it will be on the right hand side; the engine side. Remove the engine side door. It will be on the top lip. Vespa Widebody VIN or frame number location. As you sit on the scooter, it will be on the frame, between your legs.

Bajaj Vespa Serial Numbers

I am currently researching a book about the smallframe Vespa and all of the various international variations. Tax Spreadsheet Template Excel. The area in which I require assistance is with the Vehicle Identification Numbers (VIN) or Serial Numbers for the bikes that have been manufactured in India. For example, I own a 1983 Vespa. Hi Folks - I have a rebuilt '69 Vespa Bajaj - And have not been able to match up the chassis and engine serial numbers. I know that there are numerous websites.

Open the carb access door, and it will be on the upper lip. Some later models will have the frame number on the rear of the frame, like the 70s models and the GS160. See below for location there. Vespa 1960s Largeframe VIN or frame number location. This will be applicable for those 1960s and 1970s scooters that have on the left, as you sit on the scooter, a none removable side cowl, with a glove box in it.

The frame number is stamped on the frame lip that sticks out under where the cowl meets the frame. You may have to lay on the floor and use a flashlight to see it properly.

Vespa 1970s Largeframe and P Series VIN or frame number location. This will be applicable for some 60s scooters that don't have the fixed left hand cowl described above. You will have to remove the right hand, as you sit on the scooter, or engine side cowl. The engine number is stamped on the frame, just behind the back of the engine. I have included frame numbers of Vespa that are the ones found in the US, and left out the unusual ones or ones that were produced for foreign markets and not brought here. This list does not include any of the more modern production of Vespa, especially when they switched to the 17 digit VIN number, as we do not generally deal with those modern types.