Thinstuff License Keygen

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Thinstuff License Keygen

How to Set Up Thinstuff XP/VS Server Thins tuff XP/VS Server is a software product that modifies regular (non terminal server) copies of Windows (Like Windows 7 Professional) to allow more than one RDP connection at the same time. This has the advantage of making StockTrac ® workstations run much faster because the user does not have to run the program from a network share.

Online Activation. Open the program 'Thinstuff XP/VS Administrator' and click in the menu bar 'File' and subsequent 'Add/Activate License'. Now it will open the activation-window. Please select 'Add licenses/ Start internet activation.' In the next step, please log into your 'Thinstuff Account'. Screen capture: 3 client and 1 local console connect to Widnows 7 RC 6.1.7100.0. Project: Universal Termsrv.dll Patch Support: Windows XP SP2 SP3; Vista SP1 SP2. CracksNet The fastest way to find crack, keygen, serial number, patch for any software. Total Commander to doskona. Seamless Remote Desktop (RDS) Technology.

Thinstuff License Keygen

Here is how it is set up: Contents Step 1: Install XP/VS Server Step 2: Add Windows Users Step 3: Setup StockTrac ® 3.x for Thins tuff Step 4: Setup Shortcuts on each Workstation Step 5: Set up Workstations Step 6: License Thin s tuff Step 1: Install XP/VS Server To setup a shop with Thinstuff XP/VS Server, download the Thinstuff program onto the main PC in the shop (the one that the stwin3 folder is on). Navigate to and click the link under ‘XP/VS Server’ on the main page that says ‘ TRY NOW‘, as shown below. The software can be downloaded using this link regardless of whether the shop wants a trial of Thinstuff or if they already have a full license. It doesn’t matter which kind of set up is being done; the same installer is used for everything. Even when the software is in trial mode, it will function exactly the same as the full version. In addition, the software won’t have to be re-setup after buying licenses. The downloaded file will be a ZIP file (it should be called something like ‘’).

Unzip the file and run the setup program inside the folder (which will be called something like ‘ThinstuffXPVSServer-1.0.724.exe’). The installer will prompt for language.

Choose English and click OK. On the screen above, click ‘Next’. This screen shows the Thinstuff license agreement. Click ‘I Agree’: Next the program will ask if this is a ‘server’ installation or a ‘workstation’ installation. Choose the first option, labeled ‘Server Installation: Install the XP/VS Terminal Server‘.

Janco never uses the second option. Please note that ‘workstation’ software does not have to be installed on any workstations, and Janco never does this when they set up shops with Thinstuff. Only the server needs any Thins tuff software installed on it. Next choose the install location. For the purpose of setting Thinstuff up to work with StockTrac ®, the location doesn’t really matter. Just click Next and accept the default path. On the next screen, select which version of Thinstuff to install.

Janco always installs this version because it’s the cheapest ($39.90/connection as of this writing), and the more expensive versions are unnecessary for use with StockTrac ®. If the shop needs to use a license that has already purchase, choose the last option (“None. I do already have a valid license.”). Choose Lite and click Next.

Click Next on the above screen. Now click the Install button, and the installation will begin. If a screen pops up asking whether or not to trust drivers provided by Thinstuff, click Always trust and then click Install. Once the install in finished, the above screen will display. Click the Reboot Now button, and the computer will reboot. That is the end of the installation process for the server. The next section covers adding windows users on the server.

Step 2: Add Windows Users on the Server (These instructions are for Windows 7, but other versions of windows should be similar.) A windows user account needs to be added on the main computer for each workstation that is going to connect to it. Go to Control Pan el.

Click on User Accounts and Family Safety. Click on User Accounts. Click Manage another account. Click Create a new account. Enter a name for the account.

Often Janco will give the users names like ‘PC1’, ‘PC2’, etc. Since each account is intended to be used with a particular computer, the user accounts can be named after the computers, such as ‘Front Counter’, ‘Back Shop’, ‘Main Office’, etc. Make sure that the user type is set to Administrator, and then click the button labeled Create Account. Next, click on the user account that was just created (PC1 in this example). Click on Create a password. Enter the same password in both the New password and Confirm new password fields. Enter a hint for the password if desired.

Click Create password. Creating a password for the user account is necessary to enable automatic log-on from the workstations. Repeat these steps to create each of the user accounts, one for each of the workstations that will be using StockTrac ® with Thinstuff. Step 3: Setup StockTrac ® 3.x for Thinstuff First, on the main computer (the one Thinstuff is installed on), open StockTrac ®.

Click on Server Setup. A message will display stating that setup can only be run from server. On the Workstations tab, click the Add button and add a StockTrac ®workstation for each of the computers that will be connecting with Thinstuff. Notice that in the example below, there are workstations called ‘PC1’, ‘PC2’, and ‘PC3’. These will match the Windows user accounts that have already created for each computer.

When finished adding workstations, click the Server tab. On the Server tab, the server is typically set up just like it is in the picture above. It is important to note that the StockTrac Path and UNC Path fields should both have the same value, which is the local path to the stwin3 folder on the server. The only time to ever have any other values in these fields is if some workstations are not using Thinstuff and some are, but this is not a recommended configuration.

If the UNC Path is not set to the same value as StockTrac Path, then all workstations will be slow, whether they are using Thinstuff or not. Also note that on the screen above that the Client Server check box is NOT checked. This will also cause all workstations to be slow whether Thinstuff is in use or not. If the server is not set up like the picture above, make sure that it is, and then close out of Tool Box. Step 4: Setup Shortcuts on each Workstation On each workstation, open the Microsoft Terminal Server Client by going to Start ->All Programs ->Accessories ->Remote Desktop Connection (or by running mstsc.exe from the Run box on the Start Menu). In the Remote Desktop Connection window shown above, click the button that says Show Options. In the field labeled Computer, enter the name of the Thinstuff server.

In User name, enter the name of the Windows user account that was created for this workstation in step 2. In the example below, note that PC1 was entered. Also, make sure the box that says ‘Allow me to save credentials‘ is checked. Next press the button that says Save As.

A window will display asking where to save the remote desktop shortcut. Save it to the desktop with a name like ‘StockTrac’, as seen in the screen shot below: Now there should be an icon on the desktop that looks like this: Click on that icon to ensure the workstation can log onto the server and that it logs on automatically. A window may pop up asking to still connect if the publisher of the remote connection could not be verified. Just check the Don’t ask me again check box and hit Connect. Since the Allow me to save credentials option was chosen, a box like the one below asking for a password should display.

If so, check the box that says Remember my password, and the program won’t prompt for it again. On some versions of windows, the box asking for a password may not display right away, but instead the system will prompt for a password after a connect is established. Either way, look for any options that allows the password to be saved so it doesn’t have to be typed it in every time. Set up a shortcut like this on each of the workstations that are to be used with Thinstuff.

Step 5: Set up Workstations Once shortcuts have been created on the desktop of each workstation that logs into the server, it’s time to finish setting up the StockTrac workstations. Log into the server from each computer and navigate to the StockTrac® folder (usually C:stwin3). Run ST3ToolBox.exe, and click on the Workstation Setup option.

Click on the name of this workstation. Make sure the StockTrac Desktop Icon and ToolBox Deskt op Icon check boxes are checked, and click the button labeled Set. This will associate the Windows user that was created in step 2 with the StockTrac ® workstation that was created in step 3. It will also create a shortcut on the user’s desktop for StockTrac ®. Open StockTrac ®and make sure everything is working. At this point, set up which printers the workstation will use, how many copies of invoices and estimates the workstation prints, and any other per-workstation settings. Step 6: License Thins tuff If Thinstuff has been installed and licenses haven’t been downloaded yet, messages will pop up every time when logging in to the server.

They look like this: To make these go away, it is necessary to buy a license. For most Janco customers, they will initially try Thinstuff for 14 days to make sure that all of their existing hardware and software works well in a remote desktop environment. Once they are ready to buy, they can call Janco for assistance in purchasing a license. To purchase and download licenses, go to the Thinstuff website and create an account.

Thinstuff will ask for an email address and assign a password, which they will e-mail to the address supplied to them. Once the password is received in email, log into the Thinstuff website by typing the email address and password into the log in box. After logging in, go to the Overview page. Find the section labeled XP/VS Terminal Server Lite. It should look like the picture below. If the shop has one or two workstations, the $39.90 1 connection for 1 server license(s) can be purchased.

If the shop has three, purchase the $99.00 3 connections for 1 server license, as seen in this example. Click ‘Add to cart’ next to the appropriate license to buy it. The cart will show the total and the number of licensed purchased. Click the Proceed to checkout button to continue. The website will ask one again to confirm what is being purchased. Again, click Proceed to checkout. Next a page like the one below will display.

Check the box labeled I agree to the ThinStuff T erms and Conditions and click Place you r or der and continue with payment. Once that is done, a page will display that confirms the order. Notice that the order number will be the same as the l icense number that will be issued after the purchase. Click the button labeled Cont inue with credit card payment. The system will redirect to a secure site that will handle credit card processing. Enter the Credit card number, Expiration date, and Card security code.

Then click Next. After the credit card is processed, the system will return to the Thinstuff account. On the overview page, notice there are now links to download the licenses that were just purchased, as shown in the image below.

Keep in mind that a 3-connection license will show as a single link, whereas two 1-connection licenses will show as two separate links that have to be opened and activated separately. Next click on the link to download the license.

A dialog will display asking to either open or save the file. Choose Open, as this will automatically open the new license with the Thinstuff Server Administrator program. A message will now display that says License imported successfully. Free Download Program Contes De La Rue Broca Pdf To Word. This means that Thinstuff has opened the license file and read it, and that the license is now in Thinstuff. Click OK, and another window should pop up stating the licenses still need to be activated. (If this does not happen, get to this step by opening ThinStuff Server Administrator, right clicking on the downloaded license, and clicking Activate licenses.) Click on the Activate licenses button.

Now a window will display showing all of the licenses that can be activated. Click the Add licenses /Start internet activation button. The system will prompt to log into the Thinstuff website if necessary.

Log in to proceed. On the page that comes up, check the box next to the license that is to be activated and click Activa te/Download selected licenses.

The system may redirect to another page with links to the licenses, but this time they will say activated next to them. Once a license is activated, it can be download again. When this is done, a screen like the following may display.

Once the activated license is downloaded, another screen will display that says Licens e imported successfully. Notice that the license state is Full, the activation is Successful, and the license expiration date is Never. When the license has this status, it is activated.

If not, try the activation again. Sometimes it takes a couple attempts before the license will show as activated in Thinstuff Administrator and the Thinstuff website. Now that the license is activated, it can be re-downloaded from the Thinstuff site if necessary. This is what would be done if Windows had to be re-installed, for example.

To move a license to another PC, send an email request to Thinstuff to have the activated license released for re-activation on another PC. This completes the setup process for Thinstuff. Contact Janco support with any questions or comments. Getting Started With StockTrac Enterprise Welcome to StockTrac® Enterprise. This document will explain the estimating and invoicing process and how to get started using the software.

To begin, double-click on the Enterprise icon on the desktop. Enter the default password ( DEMO11) and click OK to continue. Click on the Point-Of-Sale option. This above screen may come up next (depending on the system settings). Enter the following information: Next Invoice # – If using plain paper for Estimating or Invoicing, Enterprise will create the numbering sequence. Confirm this number is correct. Beginning Cash – Enter the beginning cash in the drawer.

Once the data on the above screen has been entered, click OK. Preparing an Estimate The estimate is started by collecting customer data. It’s important that all the customer information is entered accurately. This ensures that the marketing features within StockTrac ®can be used down the road. There are a couple of ways to begin an estimate.

The first way is by clicking on the icon at the far left top of the screen entitled New Ticket. New tickets can also be added by navigating to Documents and then New Ticke t, as shown on the following screen. As with previous versions of StockTrac ®, the system will prompt to search for the customer in the database.

This will help eliminate duplicate customer records. The default search is by Last Name, First Name. This can be changed by clicking the down arrow in the Search By field and changing to another method. After typing part of the last name, the rest of the field will be filled in with the first match in the customer file. Arrow down to the appropriate customer record and double-click on it. Alternatively, highlight the selection by clicking on it, and then press the Enter key or click OK to make the selection. If the customer does not display after typing in the whole name, the customer is not yet on file.

Click New to add them into the database. (Note: When typing in the customer name, clicking the OK button or pressing the Enter key will be choosing the record that is highlighted. This holds true even if the name typed does not match exactly. This makes it much harder to duplicate records.) Clicking the New button will bring up the Edit Customer screen. At a minimum, fill in a last name and a phone number. As much information should be filled in as possible, however, for completeness. Pressing the Tab key will navigate to the next field on the screen.

After the appropriate fields are filled in, click OK. Next the system will prompt for vehicle information on the Vehicle Lookup screen. There are two ways in which the vehicle can be obtained. The first method is by typing in the year, make and model of the vehicle and selecting the engine type.

Start typing and then arrow down to the desired selection for each of the fields. Once the vehicle is located, click OK. Enter any of the other vehicle information that is available. Press the Tab key to move through the fields.

After entering the data, click on the OK button to accept the vehicle. The second, and fastest way to select a vehicle is by doing a Plate or VIN Lookup. Click the Plate/VIN Lookup button shown on the above screen.

Enter the Plate and State of the vehicle, and click the Find button. (The ability to look up a vehicle by plate is only available if the Integration Subscription and the CarFax QuickVIN are turned on.) The vehicle information will be displayed. There is also a similar lookup by VIN (The option to lookup by VIN is available even if you don’t have the Integration Subscription.

However, the Carfax terms and conditions have to be agreed to.) Click OK to select the vehicle. If the customer information needs to be changed at any point during the Estimate/Invoice process, click the Edit Customer button while viewing the ticket. If there are notes on the customer or vehicle, the Customer Notes button and/or the Vehicle Notes button will be flashing red.

By clicking on Customer History, a list of every invoice that customer has in the system will display. Clicking on Vehicle History will show just that vehicle’s history. Catalog Entry of Parts After the customer information is filled in and the vehicle selected, the parts that are going to be used on this vehicle need to be looked up.

In this example, “Standard Catalogs” are going to be used to locate parts. Select Standard Catalogs in the drop-down near the top right of the screen and click GO. The following screen will display, provided the vehicle has a valid AAIA or ACES number. This screen shows the categories and subcategories of parts that are available for the vehicle. Pick a category and one or more subcategories and click Search.

Click the Add box next to the part(s) that are to be added to the estimate. Note: If the parts are not in inventory, N/A will show for the retail price and labor. Click the X at the upper right corner of the screen to close the window and proceed to the Add Catalog Part screen. The fields in red must be entered ( Sale Code and Product Code). In addition, a Cost and a Selling Price should be entered.

Enter any other additional information, and then click OK. The item will be added to the estimate. It will also be added into the Inventory file if the Add Part flag is checked for the standard catalog that was selected. (See Point of Sale, Setup, Integrations, Standard Catalogs). Manual Entry of Parts That Are in Inventory Parts can also be entered manually without using a catalog. To do this, click on the Items tab while in the estimate. Then click the Add Part button near the bottom of the screen to get into the Add Parts screen.

Select the Category of the part and then either manually type in the entire Part Number or use the search icon to search for the part. Information will be filled in based on what is in the inventory file. Add or change data as needed. When all information is entered, click OK to add this part to the estimate. Manual Entry of Parts That are Not in Inventory Parts that are not in inventory can also be added to estimates; this is called a C ustom P art.

When adding a custom part, there are more fields to fill out. To add a custom part, click Add Part while on the Items tab of the estimate. The Cate gory for a custom part must be I = Custom. Enter a Part Number, Description, Sale Code, Product Code, Cost and Selling Price. Enter any additional information if desired. When done entering data, click OK to add the part to the estimate. The custom part will NOT be saved in the Inventory file.

Adding Labor to an Invoice or Estimate When adding labor, it can either be added to a part or added as a separate line item. To add labor directly to a part, use the L abor field on the Add /Edit Part screen and choose either Time or Flat. If choosing Time, enter the number of Hours and the Skill Level. The system will multiply the hours entered by the labor rate for that skill level for the Sale Code assigned to the part.

(To see the rates for the Sale Code, go to Configuration, System, Sale Codes.) Choosing Flat will prompt for a flat dollar amount. When adding labor as a line item, go to the Items tab and click the Add Labor button at the bottom of the screen. The Add Labor screen will display, which is similar to the Add Part screen. Enter the fields in red ( Product Code and Sale Code). It is important to remember to pick the correct codes here so that this item can be tracked properly. In the example above, labor is being entered as a flat charge of $120.00. Click OK to save this to the estimate.

Finishing the Estimate StockTrac® Enterprise offers the ability to set up Job Status Requirements. This will define what information is required to be entered at each step of the estimating and invoicing process. Job Status Requirements are accessed via Point-Of-Sale, Setup and then Job Status Requirements. To use this screen, look across the top to see the various document types.

Next look at the column below for the requirements for each document. For example, in order to finish an E stimate, the Customer, Vehicle, Odometer In and Sales Person must be filled in before the document can be saved as an Estimate. The system will warned about any of the fields marked “Warned”, but these can be bypassed at the time of saving the document. To complete the Estimate, click on the Print Estimate option at the bottom of the Estimate screen.

Note that if a paper copy is not needed, select Save Estimate instead. Next pick a status for your estimate and click OK. Regarding estimate statuses, custom status labels can be created and applied to saved estimates. To define the custom statuses, go to Point-of-Sale, Setup and then Estimate Status. Certain statuses ( Quick Quote, Estimate, Work Order, Complete and Billed Out) are pre-defined and cannot be changed. Retrieving an Estimate Retrieving an estimate can be done one of two ways.

From the Daily Work Log (shown above), click on either Today’s Estimates or All Estimates and scroll to find the estimate. Alternatively, click on the Find Ticket icon while on either the Today’s Estimates or All Estimates tab. In the Find By drop down field, select whether to retrieve the estimate by Number, Name, Phone Number, Vehicle, Plate or Date. After choosing one of these options, fill in the appropriate data. The system will then find the closest match to whatever was typed in.

Once the desired estimate is located, double – click on it or press Enter. Once the estimate is selected, the Items on the Estimate screen can be edited if needed and/or parts can be declined that were not authorized by the customer. Finishing the Invoice from an Estimate After the estimate is retrieved, more information needs to be entered before the estimate can become an invoice. For example, the technician data needs to be entered. To do this, click on the Jobs tab at the top of the Estimate screen. As shown on the above screen, up to four T echnician s can be selected for each job on the ticket.

Click in the box and type in the employee’s number, or click the down arrow for a list of all employees and select the one to assign to the job(s). Note that there must be at least one technician assigned to each job.

Next click on the Finish tab. Before the invoice can be printed, the system needs to know how the customer is paying for the work.

Select the appropriate payment method under Payment Detail, as shown above. If the customer is paying for the invoice with one payment method, leave the full balance in the Amount field and click Apply. The amount can be changed if the customer is using more than one payment method (i.e., part cash and part credit card). Once the payment has been recorded, click on the Print Invoice button. Accept the Estimate Status of Completed and click OK. If any information is missing on the invoice, the system will require the information to be entered before the invoice will print. Retrieving an Archived Invoice Past invoices can be looked up a couple of ways.

The first way is by going to the All Invoices tab from the D aily W ork L og and scrolling down to find the specific invoice. The All Invoices tab shows all invoices that have been created in StockTrac®. Another way of looking up invoices is to click the Find Ticket button when on the All Invoices tab. Doing this will bring up the Find Archived Invoice screen. Select the search method ( N umber, N ame, P hone, V ehicle, P late or D ate), and enter the corresponding search criteria.

Click OK to perform the search. Once the desired invoice is located, double-click it or highlight it and click Select. The invoice will be displayed on the screen.

Entering a Charge Invoice StockTrac® has the ability to allow specific customers to pay for their invoices over time. Customer of this type are referred to as “charge” or “Accounts Receivable” customers.

To allow a customer to charge their invoices, they must be assigned an account number. To assign the account number, click Edit Customer while the estimate is displayed on the screen. Click the Edit A/R button. In order to activate this customer’s charge account, enter an Account #. This field can consist of both numbers and letters, and can be made up of anything, such as the customer’s phone number or a combination of their last and first name. Type in an account number and click OK. Click OK again on the Edit Customer screen.

This customer has now been added into Accounts Receivable. In order to complete this ticket, go to the Finish screen and select Charge for the payment method, as shown on the following screen. The Charge payment method will only display for Accounts Receivable customers. Select that method, apply the full amount of the invoice, and finish the invoice as described previously in this document. ROA – Entering a Received on Account Invoice Once Accounts Receivable customers have been set up, the payments they make on their outstanding balance need to be accounted for in StockTrac®. To record a payment, create a new ticket in Point-of-Sale.

Select the customer that is paying on their bill. A vehicle does NOT need to be added to this type of ticket (just click Cancel when the Vehicle Lookup screen displays). Next click on the Items tab. Click on Add Part.

Enter ROA (Received On Account) for the Part Number. The Selling P rice will be the amount of the payment. If the customer has a balance on their account, the following screen will display: Click Yes. The system will then ask which invoices are related to the payment. All charges the customer has on their account will be listed.

If the Auto Apply button is clicked, the system will automatically apply the payment starting with the oldest invoice first. The amount to apply to each invoice can also be manually entered. Once the amounts are entered, click OK. The invoice can then be finished like a regular ticket. POA – Using Money from the Drawer for Expenses The process for entering a POA is similar to entering a ROA. A POA is used when money is taken out of the cash drawer. An existing customer can be used, or a new customer can be created.

It is recommended that the name of the customer matches the reason the money is being taken out of the drawer (i.e., Pizza for Employees). To record a POA, create a new ticket in Point-of-Sale. Select the customer that relates to the reason money is being taken out of the drawer. A vehicle does NOT need to be added to this type of ticket (just click Cancel when the Vehicle Lookup screen displays). Next click on the Items tab.

Click on Add Part. Enter P OA for the Part Number. The Selling Price will be the amount of the payment. Finally, finish the invoice as normal with a payment type of Cash. Reversing an Invoice There are times when an invoice will need to be reversed. Perhaps the wrong part was entered or the wrong payment method was indicated.

The reversal process is very simple. First retrieve the invoice (as described earlier in this document). Once the invoice has been selected, click on the More Options button on the far right of the screen and select Reverse Invoice. Click Yes to reverse the invoice. StockTrac®will then print out the reversal ticket. After the reversal ticket has been printed, the system will return to the invoice so that any necessary changes can be made.

The invoice can then be re-finished if needed. Taking and Applying a Deposit StockTrac® allows the ability to accept deposits on estimates. In order to take a deposit, the estimate must have been saved previously. To begin, retrieve the estimate that the deposit will be applied to. (Retrieving saved estimates was covered earlier in this document.) On the right of the screen is a button entitled More Options.

Click on that, and then select Take Deposit. The Take Deposit screen will display. Under the Payment Detail section, enter the method of payment and the amount, and then click the Apply button. Next click on Print & Save. This will create a deposit invoice, which can be viewed under the “Today’s Invoices” tab. When the customer comes back to finish paying off the estimate, this deposit will need to be applied to the estimate.

Retrieve the estimate once again and click on the Finish tab. Click on the drop down menu next to payment method and select Deposit.

This screen will show the deposits taken on this estimate. Highlight the desired deposit and click OK. Next record the customer’s additional payment methods and finish the invoice as usual. NOTE: All deposits that have been taken on estimates and not invoiced out can be found by going to Point-of-Sale, Documents, View Deposits. Guaranteed Replacement Part on an Estimate/Invoice A guaranteed replacement part is one that is added to the invoice because it is warrantied and needs to be replaced. To mark a part as guaranteed, retrieve the estimate, and go to the Add Part or Edit Part screen. For the Sale Type, choose Guaranteed Replacement.

This will automatically change the selling price to zero. This part will be counted in the Cost of Sales if the flag Guarantee Cost to Cost of Sales is checked (see Configuration, Custom Settings, Miscellaneous tab). Once the part is set to Guaranteed Replacement, the invoice would be finished as normal. Note that in order for a part to be marked this way in Point-of-Sale, the product code for this part has to be set up with a Warranty Term (see Configuration, Product Codes ). Closing of Periods – Choosing Reports The reports that will be printed or emailed automatically when a period is closed need to be defined as part of the initial setup of StockTrac ®. To do this, go to the Sales Module.

Next click Setup and then Reports. This is the Report Setup grid.

The periods are listed at the top of the screen, and the reports are listed on the left. Put a number in the corresponding box to indicate the number of copies of that report to be printed or emailed when that period is closed. Click OK to continue. Changing to a Different Security Level Overview StockTrac ® ENTERPRISE offers a wide array of security settings to protect your information from unauthorized access. The menu security option will enable you to use 5 different security levels, 1 being the highest and 5 being the lowest.

Setting security is important because StockTrac® is capable of much more than just invoicing customers out. As a shop owner you are able to go through the system and setup different security levels for each module or certain reports within those modules. A common scenario may include: Level 1 – Owner Level 2 – Manager Level 3 – Counter Person Level 4 – Tech Level 5 – Someone that needs access to one or two functions only Instructions From the main StockTrac ® ENTERPRISE screen, click on File, then Change Security Level. Note: You can also click on the word “Level” at the bottom of the main menu screen. The Enter Password screen will display: Enter the Password for the security level you want to change to, and then click OK.

Changing the Accounting Date in StockTrac® Overview There may be times when you want to change the accounting date in StockTrac® Enterprise. There is a right way to do this and a wrong way. The wrong way is changing the system date on your computer.

This will cause your license for the software to be broken, and you will end up having to work with Janco Support to get your software re-licensed. The correct way to change the accounting date is explained below. Procedure Go into the StockTrac® main menu. In the bottom center of your screen, you will see the accounting date. Double click on that date.

Change the date as desired and click OK. Remember to change it back to the current date when you are done working in the alternate day.

StockTrac® Basic Terminology Categories We split our inventory up into Categories which are represented by Manufacturers. Each Category is given a prefix, which allows you to easily get to that Manufacturer and to determine the order they will appear in your lookup lists.

You can create your own Custom Manufacturers also for your own parts you have created. The main purpose for splitting up by Manufacturer is to allow our integrations to find the correct parts by mapping them. Sale Codes The Sale Code is a Job Type Classification label. All of our sales reports will be broken down by Sale Code.

Every part that you sell in your system has to have a Sale Code attached to it, including labor parts. Sale Codes are defined by the user and have additional settings attached to them for labor rates, margins, corporate reporting, shop supplies, skill level. The jobs on an invoice are also grouped by Sale Code. If you want to see a type of sale broken apart each day, such as shop supplies, you would want to assign it it’s own Sale Code. This is one of the main building blocks in StockTrac®.

Product Codes These are a further break down of a Sale Code. They are assigned to parts to identify what type of part they are. This information usually comes from your suppliers on the parts as a line code type of identifier.

Our NewPrice installation process will add new ones to your system under the Sale Code you specify. You can also create your own Product Codes. They are used in places where you want to single out a certain type of part, such as brake pads out of the Brake Sale Code. Part Types StockTrac® has several classifications for Part Type: Regular part, Labor part, Machining part, Non-Stocked part, Tire part, and Courtesy Check part. By marking the parts as to what type they are, we can treat them appropriately. An example is allowing you to enter DOT#’s on parts that are set as Tire parts. Buyouts Any part that you are putting on an estimate that we do not find in your inventory file, or we find it in your inventory file but you have none on hand, we will call a Buyout.

This just means you need to get the part from somewhere so we can prompt for the vendor information, and treat the cost and selling price differently based on how you have it set up. Custom Parts It is best to have the parts you are using on your vehicles in your inventory file so that you can track your usage, where you purchased them from, monitor ordering parameters, etc. However, there are times that you need to use an odd part that is not in your inventory or is from a manufacturer that you have not installed pricing files for. In these cases, we allow you to add a custom part on the fly to an invoice. You still need to assign the Sale Code and Product Code so we can categorize the sale, but you can give it any part number and description that you like. Custom Parts will always default to Buyouts. Pricing Files or NewPrices These are the files we generate from data that we receive from your suppliers.

You can insert these parts into your inventory file. We will work with you to get that flow of information set up to come to us from your suppliers so that we can get it to you. Catalogs When we talk about Standard Catalogs, these are ACES/AAIA standard catalogs that are used to look up parts if you choose. This information comes directly from the manufacturer and is put into our format so that you can find the parts you need for a specific vehicle. These are available to anyone on support and are updated when we receive new files from the manufacturers. Vendor/Supplier These terms are synonymous.

The module that we have to track all your purchases from your vendors is called Vendor Tracking. However, we also refer to your suppliers when talking about pricing, parts, etc. TireTrac is a unique combination of Tire Fitment information (licensed from Mitchell 1) and a Tire Brand database that will display part numbers, pricing, as well as features & benefits for the appropriate tires needed for the vehicle you have chosen. Tire Brands is a database that contains more than 17,800 tire part numbers.

These part numbers can also be added to your inventory file so you can track your histories, generate orders, and monitor your profit margins. The cost is only $34.95 per month or $395.00 per year. Click on the link below to display the PDF of the order form. You can then print it or save it to your system. Fill out the form and fax it to Janco at 231-941-8088. If you have any questions, please call Janco Support at (800) 782-5872 (US) or (800) 323-5872 (Canada). StockTrac® ENTERPRISE Integrations There are several integrations that are available in StockTrac® v3, including integrations for the following categories: • Customer Marketing • Ordering/Catalogs • Sales Exports • Miscellaneous Integrations The Customer Marketing integrations are available to all customers.

The other integrations (Ordering/Catalogs, Sales Exports, and Miscellaneous) require that the user has subscribed to the Integration Subscription program. This program is an additional $25 per month (in addition to any Software Maintenance Agreement), and it will allow you to have access to all integrations within the system.

This includes enhancements of existing integrations as well as additional ones that may be added while you are enrolled in the plan. Turning on integrations allows you to access various functions from inside your StockTrac® system, and it enables you to transfer data back and forth automatically without having to re-key information. Note that some integrations also require a separate data subscription with the partner company or additional hardware (see each individual integration for details). Customer Marketing Integrations BFM Group A complete multi-media marketing company, BFM will focus on your company’s goals,customers and products to develop strategies and multi-platform marketing programs that achieve the highest return on investment. Bluewater Bluewater combines data insights with proven one to one franchise marketing strategies to increase your customer loyalty. CAA Secure This is an integration that was developed for a specific group of customers. It is currently not being used.

CustomerLink Their CRM services utilize direct mail letter and postcards, survey forms, and electronic mail to achieve between one and six customer “touches” per year. These touches, or communication points, are based on proactive service driven events such as oil change notifications, tire rotations, and 30,000 mile tune ups. With years of practical dealership experience, dealerVoice has wrestled with the same customer contact issues as you; dealership service marketing does not always give full value for the money. This forces your mainstay business to support increasingly resource hungry, expensive and inefficient contact strategies. Experts with impressive communications credentials and buzz words further cloud a practical solution. Demandforce Demandforce was designed as a complete marketing and communication platform to fit your shop needs. Whether it is review collection, filling your bays or sending out automated maintenance reminders, we can help.

We know running your shop doesn’t leave a lot of time to think about long term marketing strategies so we take care of that for you. Digital Rocket (NEW) Digital Rocket provides multi-channel marketing programs, mobile solutions, and GenY consulting for the automotive service industry. They help shop owners manage obstacles to success by providing “best practice” solutions, and expert coaching. Direct Mail This is simply a way to export your customer data for use in another marketing program that you may use. DriverSide DriverSide strives to connect drivers to the best brands in the business because word of mouth is no longer the best way to stir up business – it’s Word of Web that really counts. With DriverSide’s suite of services, commercial customers can find new customers, increase car counts and service revenue, recover lost and inactive customers, and measure the results of their marketing efforts. Epsilon EpsilonEpsilon solutions leverage intelligence that enable brands to create dynamic, meaningful customer connections.

JAN Kelley From lead generation to customer loyalty, our programs employ multi-channel communications (mail, email, web, mobile, social) to better connect clients with their customers and prospects to increase customer share, market share and overall profitability. MechanicNet Marketing services shouldn’t be frustrating or demanding of your time.

That’s why you can count on our tools to do the job right. Whether you want to set it and forget it, micromanage, or have us do it for you — MechanicNet has the best option for your shop.

We make using our tools fast and easy. Let us worry about the details so you can get back to what matters — running your business. OBrien Marketing At O’Brien Marketing, we use our unprecedented working knowledge of the competitive landscape to ensure success for our clients through extensive market research, creative negotiation strategies, execution and implementation. One to One One to OneThis is a CRM firm that we integrate with.

You can turn this integration on if you have our integration subscription. Pistn Marketing (NEW) Using Pistn is the effortless way to boost your small business. Establish a high impact presence, attract new business and engage your customers. Tech Gemini Our solutions are customized for your business and fully managed by Tech Gemini.

We do the work for you, so you can do what you do best – run your business. Our solutions are affordable and we guarantee to increase your customer retention rate. Ordering/Catalogs Integrations AConneX® (This is an ordering system that works with Epicor; you must have Epicor LaserCat enabled to use it.) Nothing expands your opportunities like the Internet. But how do you tie your business into the ‘Net to communicate with other systems, reduce ordering time and errors, and save on phone bills? AConneX® is the ideal solution. Brought to you by Activant. AllData ALLDATA® is the leading provider of OEM automotive repair information and solutions to the professional automotive service industry.

Thousands of professional repair and collision shops across North America depend on ALLDATA® for service and repair information, shop management and customer relations solutions. ATDConnect StockTrac® now offers an integration to the American Tire Distributors website.

You can search their parts by tire size and manufacturer and bring them back to your estimate with one click. Once you sell the job, automatically send the order to the warehouse from within Point of Sale. And when there are new lines added, or price increases, you can pull pricing files directly from the ATD website to install into your StockTrac® system. CARQUEST Weblink At CARQUEST Auto Parts we provide unparalleled customer service, innovation and industry leadership. There are more than 3,400 CARQUEST Auto Parts stores located throughout North America. Janco International is the first shop management software provider to integrate with Carquest’s latest WebLink 2.0 catalog and labor guide with our POS.

Epicor LaserCat Epicor LaserCat 3 (formerly Activant LaserCat 3) combines the automotive aftermarket’s most extensive replacement parts data in an aftermarket electronic catalog with an extraordinarily intuitive Windows®-based user interface that helps accelerate transaction speed and increase accuracy in virtually any parts-selling environment. IAP Ordering/Catalog Internet Autoparts, Inc. (“IAP”), an Internet company that provides the automotive aftermarket’s first industry-sponsored, Web-based parts ordering and communications platform linking automotive service providers and the wholesale distributors who supply them with the automotive parts they need.

Mitchell OnDemand5 Mitchell OnDemand5 is the end product of repair information that has been collected across the past eight decades and presented to our customers in a consistent, easy-to-use format. OnDemand5 includes Diagnostics, Repair, Information, TSBs, Recalls, Maintenance Requirements, Parts Prices, Labor Times, Vintage Information, and Fluid Types and Volumes that have been reproduced directly from the Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) published works. NAPA Have the power and flexibility of having part information right at your fingertips for your local NAPA store (or stores). Lookup part availability and pricing within point-of-sale. No need to call the parts counter or even walk over to another PC just to find part and pricing information. Then, once you’ve found it, snag it!

Just order it from your StockTrac® Point-of-Sale screen! It couldn’t be any easier. TireTrac TireTrac® is a unique combination of Tire Fitment information (licensed from Mitchell 1) and a Tire Brand database that will display part numbers, pricing, as well as features & benefits for the appropriate tires needed for the vehicle you have chosen.

Tire Brands is a updated database just released that contains more than 17,800 tire part numbers. These part numbers can also be added to your inventory file so you can track your histories, generate orders, and monitor your profit margins. No in the industry has combined these two sets of data for such a comprehensive look at tires! US AutoForce U.S. AutoForce®, a division of U. Oil Co., Inc. Is a dynamic new resource to keep your business ahead of the curve.

AutoForce® brings you over 100 years of experience as industry leaders in tires, automotive parts, lubricants, specialty chemicals and supplies. We are a powerful advantage for you in today’s competitive market by offering you the right products, at the right time, at the right price, with exceptional customer service! WORLDPAC SpeedDIAL WORLDPAC has released speedDIAL, the next generation On-line Parts Catalog and Order Fulfillment System you can use in your shop to get the parts you need when you need them.

SpeedDIAL has many new features and capabilities. Wrenchead Nexpart Nexpart from WHI Solutions has accelerated Internet parts ordering. Now the industry standard, Nexpart allows service dealers, car dealerships, fleets, national accounts, government agencies and distributors to order quickly and easily over the Internet from their parts suppliers. Nexpart is a high performance site where speed is king.

We keep you working fast, not waiting.” StockTrac® offers the industry’s best integration to Wrenchead’s exciting product. Just ask them. During our partner certification process they stated that it was the best and most seamless integration to their product they had ever seen. Quality, speed and attention to detail.

Sales Exports Integrations AAA Survey This is an integration that was developed for a specific group of customers. It is currently not being used. CARFAX The most trusted provider of vehicle history information, CARFAX is used by millions of consumers each year. CARFAX Vehicle History Reports™ are available on all used cars and light trucks model year 1981 or later. Using the unique 17-character vehicle identification number (VIN), a CARFAX Report is instantly generated from our database of over five billion records. QuickBooks Choose the most popular version of America’s #1 small business financial software. It is so efficient, it will give you back your time to focus on growing your business and making money.

Vrmesh Studio Keygen here. Sage ERP Accpac Sage ERP Accpac is a completely integrated, multinational business management solution built on the most flexible and expandable architecture available today. Cost-effective, quick to implement and simple to use, Sage ERP Accpac provides best-in-class solutions to automate workflow throughout your organization. Sage Simply Accounting Sage 50 Accounting (formerly Simply Accounting) is easy-to-use accounting and business management software that provides you with the tools you need to manage your financial transactions and to streamline your business tasks. CarProof Although what we provide is the most comprehensive vehicle history report in Canada, what we take pride in goes far beyond that.

Our Core Purpose and Values are much more than words on a page to us: they are what we live every day at every level of the company. Miscellaneous Integrations Caller ID Caller ID integrates with your StockTrac® Customer database to retrieve the customer information automatically when they call your shop. Requires a CallerID network interface box.

ChargeItPro Eliminate human error – with ChargeItPro® there are no data entry errors at the payment screen which saves you time and money. Simplify end of day reconciliation and improve your reporting capabilities. You processing fees are deducted at the end of the month, no daily discounting. Automated end-of-day batch transmission and easy to read monthly statements.

MyFleetCenter handles all fleet billing, communicates to your users, and takes care of customer service. It’s the most advanced Fleet Billing system available. PayLink PayLink offers your company a flexible and financially sound business relationship. We are a committed partner with the experience and resources to create payment plan solutions that are tailored to your organization’s unique business requirements. SMS Text Messaging Our updated SMS Text Messaging integration will allow you to send a text to a customer at any point along the estimating/invoicing process. StockTrac® ENTERPRISE and QuickBooks Integration Setup The bridge between StockTrac® and QuickBooks sends three pieces of information: Sales (the types of services with the $ amount), Cost of Goods (the types of services with the $ amount), and Taxes. The following instructions will guide you through the setup of this integration.

Step 1: Turn on the QuickBooks Integration in StockTrac® You will first need to contact Janco Technical Support to enable the QuickBooks integration in StockTrac® ENTERPRISE. Call 800-782-5872 (US) or 800-323-5872 (Canada) for assistance. Step 2: Export the QuickBooks Chart of Accounts file Once the integration is turned on, you need to export your QuickBooks chart of accounts. Note that you will have to repeat this step if new accounts are added in QuickBooks that you want to post to from StockTrac®.

To export the chart of accounts, open QuickBooks and choose File, Utilities, Export, Lists to IIF Files as shown below: The following screen will display: Click Chart of Accounts and choose OK. This screen will display: You will now be asked to specify the name of the file and where you want it saved on your computer. In this example, we are saving the file to our StockTrac® directory: C: stwin3. We are going to name the file chartofaccounts and save it as file type IIF.

Make a note of where you put the file and what you named it. When you are finished, click Save.

(If you need assistance with this, call Janco Support.) Step 3: Print the Export Setup Worksheet in StockTrac® (Optional) From the main StockTrac® main menu, go into the Sales module. Click on the Accounting Export drop-down menu, and then Export Setup Worksheet. The report will be sent to the printer. You can use this report as reference when deciding how to map your QuickBooks Accounts to StockTrac®. Step 4: Map Your QuickBooks Accounts to StockTrac® While in the Sales module, click on the Accounting Export drop-down menu, and then select Export Setup. A screen similar to the following will display: You will be on the “Input and Output Files” tab when you initially get into this function.

Specify the following information: • QuickBooks Chart of Accounts – specify the file that contains your exported chart of accounts (see Step 2). • Output File Name – Select where you want the exported information to go (location on your computer and file name). • Output Type – this should be IIF • Email address – this is the email address you can optionally send the export to.

Once you have specified the information above, you are ready to define the account mappings. You will click on each of the sections on the far left of your screen (Sales – Defaults, Sales – Deposits/AR, Sales – Credit Card, Sales – Sales Tax, Sales – Net Sales and Sales – Cost of Sales) and link accounts from QuickBooks to StockTrac®. For example, if you click on Sales – Deposits/AR, the following screen will display: To define a mapping, highlight the StockTrac® category on the left, highlight the QuickBooks account on the right, and then select Assign. Continue to click on the rest of the sections (Sales – Credit Card, Sales – Sales Tax, etc.) until all your accounts are mapped. Here are some things to keep in mind when mapping your accounts: • Map your Deposits to the account in QuickBooks that will keep track of Cash and Checks.

• You will want to create Income type accounts in QuickBooks for credit cards. Do not use the credit card accounts that come with QuickBooks, as those accounts are considered Expense type accounts. • Create a Sales Tax account in QuickBooks. Do not use the Sales Tax Payable account already in QuickBooks, as you cannot update that account from an outside source. • Before you export your data for the first time, make a backup of your QuickBooks data.

This way you have a point to go back to if you do not get the desired results on your first run. • If you find you need more accounts added into QuickBooks, you will need to perform Step 2 again to create a new export file so StockTrac® can see those new accounts. When you are finished with all of the mappings, select Save. Step 5: Export Your StockTrac® Data to QuickBooks Once you have your mappings set the way you want, you are ready to export your StockTrac® data to QuickBooks.

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