Simply Red Men Women Rarely Make History

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Guyz - I say: We're dum but we're fun. My women friend say: 'Well yea, the dum part.' If a tree falls in the woods and no one is around, is it still the guys' fault? Women: 'of course!' Apparently, we guys have 1/2 the verbal capabilites of women - most a lot less! The biggest mistake I see my women friends make is they think/act that guys don't feel deeply because we are non-verbal.

Guys feel thing VERY deeply but usually express them physically not verbally. Paradoxically, men feel things the most deeply in their early dating and mating years but have the least verbal and social skills. A cruel joke but the driver for most music, poetry, science achievement, dumb risk taking, etc. In fact new research is that young boys have very strong feelings, many negative, that are squashed.

Guys do really dum things that women would NEVER do. Lighting fire to a car and jumping the Grand Canyon is a kool guy idea. Women think it's crazy -- and it is. It is also mainly to impress them! There could be a whole long post on the dum sexual things guys do -- let's just say whenever the word 'hot' comes up -- RUN!!!away. Where women can REALLY help guys is in teaching them to express their feelings BEFORE they jump the Grand Canyon, run to a hot babe, punch a wall, buy a motorcycle/boat/car/another guitar-gun-whatever, have an affair with a married woman/blond at the office/20 yr old, etc. Women with brothers get this -- learn from them gurls.

I tell my guys friends mainly -- DON'T. No, don't even think about it! Of course, guys never listen. Again, Hot = Not! Guys need to be told things VERY clearly, quickly and simply -- about 100 times. Look at how sport are organized. That's a perfect template for the male brain.

Simply Red Men Women Rarely Make History

Good men want a woman who can make a man feel special. “I love Easter European women!” (red flag. And she simply said that those kind of men tend to be bad. Jun 13, 2013 Artists-Simply Red Album-Picture Book Year-1985 Label-Elektra Records This is my. Simply Red Picture Book(Full Album) 1985.

Simply Red Men Women Rarely Make History

Again, dum but fun. Now, about that hot chick/car/guitar/boat/motorcycle/fiery car jump/extreme sport. After reading the article, I decided that I agree on most of the suggestions about what women like/dislike about men. However, there is one comment which is totally false for almost every guy I know. The comment was if men want the nagging to stop all they have to do is to help around the house. Every guy I know that helps clean, cook, take care of the kids, etc., does not get a break from the wife or SO. In fact they easily become to expect it as an entitlement.

They do not even give a thanks or special treatment for all of the help. Mineral Zip Code. These women do not help there husbands fix the car or the leaking sink etc. It become expected!

I help anyway, but I know of some men where this sort of disrespect for their helpful actions has lead to divorce. Then during the divorce the going to be ex-wife writes a declaration stating he never helps and is nothing but scum. My point is there are a lot of men out there who do their share of housework to help their wives and the family in general. Most wives will nag and turn against their man anyone.

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She's asked these men why they are so drawn to the crimson-haired, and the best she ever got out of them was 'Redheads iz just hawt, yo!' This is true, but it is not the whole truth.

I wouldn't say most men love redheads. A sizable majority, sure. And those men who love redheads likely focus on them because of their genetic rarity.

The universe makes only so many redheads, and so it makes an impression when a man is beauty-napalmed by one. I have had a lifelong attraction to redheads: their alabaster skin, constellations of freckles, and combustible temperaments. This is an aberrant preoccupation. Hair color is neither a dealmaker nor dealbreaker. I've probably dated 50 percent brunettes, 50 percent blonds. I love both, and I've never encountered the usual stereotypes affixed to their hair tones.

The blonds I've dated have never been stupid or vapid. In fact, many have been bookish and wickedly funny. Likewise, my brunette girlfriends have defied the standard definitions. Super Puls The Kof 98 more. In my experience, blonds don't have any more fun than brunettes. The women who have the most fun are those women who give themselves permission to have fun.

So, how do I explain a personal craving for flame brains? I could blame biology, how it makes a certain evolutionary logic that Man would pursue those women who, by virtue of a few mutated chromosomes, stand out from the crowd. I could be projecting my own prejudices and desires onto these women, as they are no feistier than any other person. I could be unforgivably superficial in this instance, drooling over a certain type of woman because she looks like a human red hot. Don't Miss • The Frisky: • The Frisky: • The Frisky: But the real answer has more to do with my experience. I've never been able to date one. And I am John DeVore, Thunder Love God of Suspiciously Disingenuous Emo Dude Prose.

Every single she-ruby I've ever attempted to date has failed to acknowledge my existence, taken a flamethrower to my heart, or disappeared in the morning like a cinnamon mist. Maybe this is poetic justice, the price one pays for chasing someone based on a single physical attribute.

There was the redhead in high school who used to make out with me after school in the woods. She tasted like bubblegum, glowed in the sun, and dated every boy except for me. I was utterly in love with a little redhead in college who seemed to shoot sparks out of her mouth every time she talked about her passions, from art to politics to music. I finally got a chance to kiss her after years of mooning over her, sending her poems, talking late into the night about her favorite topics, which included the occult, Northern Irish politics, and 'Why All The Boys Who Aren't You Be Crazy?' We were at an Irish pub where laddies from 'back home' were pounding pints. She and I were a little drunk, and I kissed her at the bar, and the seven-foot-tall leprechaun with a hook instead of a left hand took offense to my putting my mitts on such a bonny lass. I deceive you not: bro had a hook.

I'm happy that I managed to get her into a cab, and get me far away, before the local IRA chapter took a shillelagh to my Texas noggin. I spent an entire weekend with a redhead whose milky back was a riot of freckles. We did things that still make me sweat. Of course, there was no third day of hot jungle love, nor any subsequent day thereafter, because she informed me with the emotional detachment of a Vulcan that she was 'just exploring' her options. I won't judge a whole group of people by three examples. Clearly, my minor fetish somehow sabotaged any success I might have had with them.

I accept responsibility. The Frisky: How Joan Holloway gave me confidence I'm pretty sure a taste for the gingers is solely a guy thing. I've not known many women who are mad, mad, mad for dudes with licorice red locks. One female friend of mine calls them 'living corpses.' So, maybe women will never understand why men like me are infatuated with scarlet women.

I mean, redheads aren't magical creatures, like unicorns. They are human beings, like you and me.