Sigma As 227 Programmer

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AS950 Peristaltic Samplers. Hach’s latest automatic sampler controller, the AS950, makes programming. Please call 800-227-4224. Aug 29, 2011 Half Sigma writes: As far as I know, no employer of computer programmers has ever been sued for discrimination, even though there are no.

Sigma As 227 Programmer

Hi, I am trying to compute the Z-Bench value based on my results and I am getting an * for the Z-Bench value in Minitab. The only reason that I need it is that is part of a school project which requires the Z-Bench value. Basically, I am getting these results: LSL = 0 USL = 10 Target = 5 Sample Mean = 30.2516 Sample N = 20 Std Dev (within) = 0.089 Z.Bench = * Lower CL = * Z.LSL = 339.45 Z.USL = -227.24 Cpk = -75.75 Lower CL = -99.83 Upper CL = -51.66 I would appreciate it very much if someone can explain why I am getting a * for the Z-Bench value in the Minitab.

BTW, I am a programmer and not a statistics guy so all this terms above are new to me. I have no clue what Cpk or CL is but I believe that Z-Bench is basically the sigma level, meaning how many DPMO I should expect. Anyway, any help that you can all provide will be appreciated very much. Hi Chris, Thanks for your reply. I think what you are saying is that because my range for LSL and USL is 0 – 10, and because my mean is normally 30, then that explains why Z-Bench is *. Is that correct? If so, then I don’t understand why I also get a * for Z-Bench with these values: 4.768 4.766 4.736 4.836 4.820 4.789 4.758 4.788 4.851 4.789 4.758 4.801 4.773 4.721 4.805 4.789 4.745 4.805 4.774 4.758 Those are very close to the middle of the range 0 – 10, yet I still get an * for the Z-Bench value.

Sigma As 227 Programmer

Here are my results from minitab with the 4.x values: LSL = 0 Target = 5 USL = 10 Sample Mean = 4.7815 Sample N = 20 StdDev(Within)=0.0359276 StdDev(Overall)=0.0326456 For Potential within Capacity, I get the following figures: Z-Bench=* Lower CL=* Z.LSL = 133.09 Z.USL = 145.25 Cpk = 44.36 Lower CL = 30.26 Upper CL = 58.47 For Overall Capacity, I get the following figures: Z-Bench = * Lower CL = * Z.LSL = 146.47 Z.USL = 159.85 Ppk = 48.42 Lower CL = 33.30 Upper CL = 64.35 Cpm = 7.36 Lower CL = 6.96 Thanks in advance, Joe. – now that your test is over, perhaps others may learn from this thread. In your first data set, you are essentially asking for the ratio of infinity over a small range (in your case, 10). In the second, you are asking for essentially zero over a range that is proportionately very large (even though the same range of 10). The calculated numbers, therefore, are either extremely large or small, thus Minitab defaults to a null instead of giving a non-sensical number (although Joel might have more technical justification).

: As far as I know, no employer of computer programmers has ever been sued for discrimination, even though there are no black people working in programming. OK, that’s a lie, there was one black computer programmer.

But he was not a typical black man, he was actually a black Hispanic; he was born somewhere in Central America and moved here when he was a young child. He's obviously exaggerating to make a point, but having a very good friend who is a systems and network administrator, I've heard stories from a frustrated narrator about more than a handful of incompetent black programmers who this friend 'knows' to be beneficiaries of affirmative action policies (though because he cannot specifically identify these policies, he refers to the process as one of 'soft' affirmative action). So I was skeptical about the claim that there are virtually no blacks in the programming profession. Using ISCO88 occupational classifications, the GSS reveals the following racial distribution among computer programmers (n = 144): White -- 75.6% Black -- 8.1% Other -- 16.3% (most of whom are Chinese or Indian; breaking the numbers down by ancestry, 7.6% of all programmers are of Chinese descent and another 8.2% are of Indian descent, for a Chinese-Indian combined total of 15.8%. Tangentially, none are of Mexican ancestry.) Seems like the threat of sex discrimination charges would be a greater worry for employers of programmers than complaints about racial discrimination would be, as 71.6% of GSS programmer respondents are men (and the GSS ).

GSS variables used: RACE, ISCO88(2132), ETHNIC, SEX. Interesting figures. I presume these are in the US.

A UK take on matters. Black people are generally portrayed as being less into tech. (while Asians being more into tech.) with respect to the Average (i.e. White person). I think much of this is media portrayal, and in quite stark contrast to what is actually happening. - Unfortunately if you don't work in the industry, you won't know. In my case I work for a top multi-national software company (we're about as house-hold name as you get).

Within our offices, our team of 15 programmers, working on real cutting edge stuff consists of roughly: 2 British born Asians (1 Indian, 1 Pakistani) 3 British born Whites (3 English) 2 British born Blacks (2 Caribbean) 1 British born 'Black' Mixed Race (Caribbean/English) ----- 3 Asian born Asian (1 Indian, 2 Chinese) 5 European born Whites (2 Eastern European, 2 Southern European, 1 North European) The line '-----' dividing British born and foreign born is probably more important than the racial line. Certain countries are known for producing bulk-load 'grunt' work programmers e.g. While home-grown talent (which at the top level means back-bedroom programmers - you can't just pitch up at university, do a 3 year course and become a super-fluent elite programmer overnight) is more evenly spread across the population. Interestingly among the (8) British born programmers at our company. 37.5% are White, 25% are South Asian, and 37.5% are Black. While the UK ethnic breakdown is somewhere around: 86% White, 7.5% Black, 3.3% Black. Even taking into account the 2.2% Mixed Race population.

It's clear that in this case Blacks are over-represented, and in turn Asians. Of course this is just one case, and many of the other teams can be completely non-black, and in some cases very Indian. So I would be tempted to say that it's a case that, for Asians they're featured in the tech industry in large numbers, but average a lower skill (which is incidentally why outsourcing to India is a good idea for the less complex projects). While Blacks are featured in the tech industry in smaller numbers, but average a higher skill (many ascend to senior roles and/or management, and tend to work on the more complex, ground breaking projects). For the US, I think the figures are not surprising. While for Black people as a group, a lot are not doing to well. There is still a substantial minority of Blacks that are incredibly talented, as talented as the next person (be they White, Asian or Latino).

Main problem with most Black people (at least in the UK), is that they don't believe they can achieve much, so never bother trying. - This is becoming less the case as more and more African immigrants travel here whom have a similar mindset to Asian immigrants to succeed. Anonymous said. Microsoft Office 94Fbr. I 've been a programmer/software developer for over 10 years and I guess my heritage makes me 'black' in America. I work with people with and without degrees. I'm a graduate of a top 25 program but yet i often find myself having to 'prove' myself over colleageues that don't have a degree or have much less experience.

The fact of the matter is our field is not used to diversity so unfortunately there are a lot of jerks who get away with terrible prejudices. People assume you got your job and work history because of 'affirmative' action, or claim the 'soft' variety even when such policies do not exist.

(Pretty sad for those who espouse their quantitative reasoning skills). That is essentially saying that blacks aren't smart enough to be present without special policies and is a very racist proposition. I will add that my experience in computing stemmed from my immigrant father's purchase of a computer in the 80s. I think you'd see more black kids in computing if there was more exposure at a younger age.

I'm a black developer. No degree although I went to CWRU for EE and Columbia for Math/Econ for a combined 6 years. I've been coding since I was 8. I've been with 4 startups (2 exits, 1 big cluster and my current one), 1 small consulting firm, and 2 Fortune 500s. In 31 years I've worked with no black devs, I've interviewed no black devs and I've met no black devs. So I decided to find and actively train them. I'm tutoring my cousin, a 16 year old high school student.

I've also started working with a friend on connecting inner city youth of all races and ethnicities who have a demonstrated interest in development with Cincinnati startups, accelerators and incubators. I have two points. First, in my experience there are very few black developers. Second, if people think that is a problem then those people must do something about it similar to the number of groups formed around addressing the gender gap in tech, e.g. Girl Develop It. Anonymous said. As a black programmer I find that the absolute lack of other black programmers as thoroughly shocking.

I work in the UK, and to date have only met one other black programmer who actually knew what he was doing. We are now good friends. I would like to work with other black programmers. The prevalent attitude amongst the whites and Asains is one of intellectual snobbery/racism. I am sick of their rascist elitist attitude.

They simply do not believe that blacks have the ability to program. And why should they? The sheer lack of black programmers would suggest that blacks do not have the right genetic make-up to code. I make no excuse for blacks. I am sick of their lazy attitude. It takes years of study to learn to program well.

I was prepared to do so. I have meet a few blacks who would like to learn to code. But when they realize to long hours of study, isolation, and sacrifice that is required they run scared. I have met plenty of blacks who fancy themselves the next Steve Jobs, but are terrified of being Steve Wozniak. Until the black community learns to view technology less as fashionable gadgets that enhance one's cool factor; but as a tool to transform their lives and others, the next generation of black programmers will be a tepid trickle. In the mean time I'll continue working amongst these average whites and Asain programmers, who either view mean me as a rarity, or as outcast who only ended up programming because he couldn't find the way to the gym.or the chicken shop.

BlackProgrammer said. I am a Black programmer and feel that I can speak on this issue with a little more experience than others. The issues with the lack of Black programmers stems from many categories, education and social constructs are the two I will focus on.

I will keep this short as this topic can easily be a 100 page essay. 1) Education: Most Black people lack the education to thrive in the technical field. For many Black people, it is difficult to complete technology centric programs because there are not many of us pursuing these degrees.

I have a MSCS degree, and it was always very difficult for me to complete my courses. Anyone who has taken CS courses know that collaboration is huge for passing courses! But often times, no one wanted to group up with the token Black student. I had to literally beg for people to group with me, and then had to endure their praise of how they were surprised that I was smart.

Not to mention that an Asian kid literally told me I was in the wrong class and prompted me towards the African American Studies department without any inclination presented to him that I was confused about my location. He just assumed that is where I belonged. There are other issues I can bring up, but I believe you get the picture. 2) Social Constructs: It is no fun being at work and being the ONLY Black guy. From my experience, especially since I am a mobile developer, all my co-workers are Indian. They speak in their native language, most immigrated, they eat specific foods, they have specific holidays, they have specific traditions, ect. All of these things that isolate the token Black guy.

You would think that it isn't enough to depress you while at work, but it does. I have been very depressed at many jobs I have worked because I was not invited to lunch, to after work events, I did not know what was being said throughout the day because I cannot speak the language, no one is interested in what I am interested in, when attempts are made to identify with me it stems from stereotypes, there are less opportunities to showcase my skills because I cannot speak Indian or Chinese, ect. It is simply not easy. And most Black people buckle under this pressure. I do hope that more Black people become educated and become programmers but the truth of the matter is that we are a minority, and that won't change for a very long time.

Anonymous said. I know that this is a long shot, but I would love to get in contact with the above Black programmers, Mike and 'Anonymous'. If any other Black programmers want to contact me feel free! @Mike: I, too, actively train other minorities (w/ emphasis on Black youth) how to program.

I would love to team up with you if you are interested. @Ananymous (UK black programmer): Lets come together and create some software. I am always up for side projects, and I am in need of a business partner. I do have a MSCS, have been programming professionally for 15 years, and would make a good partner. Obviously we have found this blog and made posts because we feel strongly about the lack of Black programmers that exist. Well, lets be friends.

If you ever find your way back here and are reading the comments connect with me at Anonymous said.

To Audacious Epigone: Using ISCO88 occupational classifications, the GSS reveals the following racial distribution among computer programmers (n = 144): White -- 75.6% Black -- 8.1% Other -- 16.3% (most of whom are Chinese or Indian; breaking the numbers down by ancestry, 7.6% of all programmers are of Chinese descent and another 8.2% are of Indian descent, for a Chinese-Indian combined total of 15.8%. Tangentially, none are of Mexican ancestry.) Those figures do not reflect current figures in Silicon Valley. Programmers are heavily Asian (South Asian, mostly India, followed by East Asian mostly Chinese) roughly 50% or more. For all the numbers tossed about as to the percentage of white people working for Google or Facebook many of these people aren't programmers but are in business development, project management, marketing, resource planning, etc.

Second and third tier companies (the ones that aren't well known and won't fill you with dreams of IPO riches) tend to have even more Asians. Anonymous said. I am a UK born black man of Caribbean descent. I have always had an interest in technology and electronics but never did very well at school. When I was at secondary education I chose computer studies as one of my options and in those days that meant the closest we came to a computer was going to our local university to use their computer system, that was programmed using punch cards with holes in, this was the early seventies. I told my teacher at the time that I wanted a career in computers but she ridiculed me and told me I wasn't smart enough, instead of encouraging me. After leaving school I purchased one of the early home computers a ZX Spectrum and enjoyed programming it with Basic for a few years but I didn't believe I could make a career out of it because I still had those early thoughts in my head that I wasn't good enough, so I ended up working in IT support for a few companies.

While working with a major electricity company I remember speaking to a man who was working with a database language, asking him how difficult was it and mentioned my earlier experience with programming and he said it was very difficult and nowhere near as simple as my previous experience, once again I felt I was being told not to bother trying and so I didn't. I suppose my point is that black people are often discouraged from going into programming and this fills them with a lack of confidence that is hard to override. Thirty years later I have regained my confidence and spent the last year using my spare time to learn C and Objective C and now my very first app for Mac OS X and iPad is near completion. I would love to teach others who doubt their own abilities to code and try to put an end to the stereotype that black people are not smart enough. Anonymous said. I think I can touch on this subject a bit, it seems very interesting to me.

I am not YET a programmer, but am currently enrolled in college, a state university at that. In advance sorry if this is a bit long but I feel that I need to share my story, feel free not to read it lol. First of all I agree with the upbringing of the majority of the black community. We simply do not care about developing anything! Its all about 'swag' or who is fresh out of the bunch. We don't have anyone in these STEM fields to lookup to while being raised, hell we are lucky if both parents are still together. Our upbringing consist of an overworked parent, no one cares about how well you are doing in school.

One is praised more for getting a job, even if they have dropped out, while you are trying to succeed in academics. This may not be the case with all but I know I am hitting home for more than a few. SHORT STORY, can skip. You want to see where I am coming from? Well I was born and raised in Mississippi, how is that for ya?

Single parent home, overworked mom of five children. The damage started there, I was born into it. Anyway, all wasn't bad. I actually grew up okay, even though as a child I didn't see myself in different economic classes then, but as I grew I became aware. I've always wanted to develop but it was just a dream, like becoming a super hero, it will never happen. I joined the military for a four year contract on the bases that I could move WHILE having a job.

I had no one to encourage me to join, it was all negative, being that I was the FIRST person to join the military in my family period! It was all, 'you are going to die', 'you are dumb' speeches from everyone. It was so bad I actually thought about changing my mind because of what I was told.

Oh yeah to add icing on the cake, I was married with two children. Yeah in the southern black community families get started quick, even when ones finances are not where they should be.

Driver Asus Eee Pc 1015pw. Four years later, I am out of the military and applying my G.I. Bill for college in the STEM field to become a programmer. Back on Subject. As of now, I am in school, at first I didn't think I was smart enough, or exposed enough to technology to be in this major. This is my passion, my dream, and I want it to become true. I was the only black person in my class, guy or gal. This doesn't bother me because I am use to so many different races being in the military, but it does pose a concern of why????

Why aren't other black people in a growing field like this? Why are we piled to the ceiling in that African Americans studies class? Why when I ask ' whats your major?'

I get fine arts, general studies, liberal arts, DANCE?? I can only sigh. I am not saying programming/software engineering is the only way but even when I was in biology class, there was three black people, one dropped the course, and the other finished only to fail, ( i know because they were ranting outside the school on how unfair and hard the class was). I will succeed in life because I want to, not only did I pass my classes, as of right now I am a 4.0 student and in 3 or the 5 classes I've taken this semester, I held the highest grade in the class. No one thought that at the beginning of class when we have to introduce ourselves and I say I am from Mississippi.

I would like to see more diversity period. Sorry for the rant:). I would love to know more about what it was like working in tech for these outstanding people: First African American Woman PhD in Computer Science - 20 Notable Black Innovators in Tech - Mark Dean, Black Inventor, Computer Programmer, IBM patent-holder - John Henry Thompson, Computer Programming and Software Inventions - Clarence 'Skip' Ellis was an American computer scientist, and Emeritus Professor of Computer Science and Cognitive Science at the University of Colorado at Boulder -