Hatsune Miku Project Diva F 2nd Song List Download
Contents • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Unused Graphics These two placeholder textures are normally used in stage models. The 'Render' one is normally used in Stage PV models, and the 'Movie' one is normally used in DIVA Room models (sometimes in stage models), though these are never seen in-game since they're placeholders. In some models, they have different pixel sizes. These are also used in DIVA X for the same purpose.
Hatsune Miku: Project Diva F 2nd. Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA X. Hatsune Miku: Project Diva F 2nd allows gamers to enjoy dancing and singing along to their.
Miku's Hand Akatsuki Arrival's stage model has a texture of Miku's hand from one of the scenes with its pixel size and frame rate capture. It could've possibly been a test for taking screenshots, or a placeholder for something in the stage model. Unused Models Test Stage A test stage that contains a 3D square platform and flat land around it with a grey skybox. Axis Sphere dbg.farc/dbg.osd is an untextured model of an axis sphere. It seems to have no purpose, though it was most likely meant for testing. This model is still present in DIVA X.
Unseen Face In Doubleganger's PV, the student NPCs actually have their face fully textured in very low quality, normally unseen in-game. Unused DSCs Ievan Polkka Just like the previous games, Ievan Polkka has unused DSCs for all the difficulties, but this one is a bit different. The Tutorial version only has one for Normal, and the Extreme version has all the other difficulties with no data. Extreme is the used one.
Unused Text In dbg.farc/dbg.txi, there's text for the untextured axis sphere, indicating that it is unused. F_DIVA_UNUSED pv_db.ppr Removed PV In pv_db.ppr, there's an unused PV number that uses 699 with two codes, and no such song for it exists.
It could have been a test PV. Pv_699.bpm=170 pv_699.date=170 This is also the case with all of the DLC songs' pv_db. AR Songs All the AR songs have unused coding to load DSC files, bonus event sounds, bpm, and button and scratch sounds.
This includes the DLC AR songs.
Owners, rejoice! The big day is finally here, and is available today for download on PlayStation Store for PS Vita in North America! The game releases on PSN today for $29.99, and for all you European readers, it will be available next week on March 12th in Europe! If you’ve never heard of this game before, here are the basics: Take the world’s most popular digital singer, add in over 30 of her most beloved songs, turn it all into a super-addictive rhythm game, and you’ve got Hatsune Miku: Project Diva f. We released the game last August on, and following huge support from fans, we’re so excited to finally bring you all the PS Vita version of the game today! We’re also very excited to announce our DLC Cross-Buy promotion, effective immediately for anyone who owns the Snow Miku 2013 DLC or the Extra Characters Pack DLC for the PS3 version of the game.
If you already own this DLC content, you’ll unlock it for free when you pick up the PS Vita version of the game! (And vice versa, if you pick it up for PS Vita first.) Hatsune Miku: Project Diva f also comes with a built-in video editor mode, aptly titled “Edit Mode” – here, you can build your very own rhythm game tracks and music videos with all the in-game tools at your disposal! PS Vita owners will also be able to share and download their Edit Data with PS3 users! Some of you were wondering if we’d bring out the Extra Songs Pack in the West – and we’re happy to confirm not only that it’s available today, but that we’ll be releasing it for only $9.99! We lowered the price on this compared to the Japanese release, because we wanted to ensure that PS Vita owners weren’t paying any more for the full Project Diva experience than their PS3 brethren.
We hope you all will enjoy it! This pack includes the songs below, with four difficulties for each: • Tell Your World (By livetune) • Tokyo Teddy Bear (By Neru) • Dream-Eating Monochrome Baku (By Nem) • Sweet Devil (By Hachioji P) • Rin-Chan Now! (By Owata P & sezu) • Senbonzakura (By Kurousa P (White Flame) ) Thank you all so much for helping this Miku dream of ours come true. You’ve been nothing but supportive from the first day we asked for your likes and shares on our Facebook post, and since then, we’ve come all the way to the launch of Project Diva, not just on PS3, but finally today, on PS Vita, too. It’s a journey we’re so humbled to have made, and so thankful to have traveled with all of you behind us and supporting us. Happy Miku Vita Launch Day, everyone, and thank you, once more! 5PM EST can’t come soon enough.
Can’t wait to put my money down and support this franchise. Sincerely hoping PDf2nd is next on the docket, and we eventually get localization announcements alongside new Project Diva title announcements so as to save me importing every Japanese version at launch, haha. Thanks so much to the team that made this happen, and a sincere thanks to Sega for making what must be the best annualized franchise continue to be great for nearly five full years.
I can’t wait to see what the future has in store. Not touching another SEGA title until you people get your a$$es in gear and bring out PSO2. I’ll take it on PC even.
And what ever happened to the Shining Series in the west? Peachtree Quantum 2010 Serial Number. This company does nothing but squander its IPs and then complain about Western penetration.
Well, you won’t penetrate if you don’t even try, and not everything can be a hit. But hey, we’ll get another 5/10 Sonic game next year. I’m actually quite a positive and enthusiastic consumer, but SEGA could take several lessons from TecmoKoei or even Bamco in how to utilize their IPs outside of Japan.
Or just wither away into obscurity. That’s also an option, and the path they’re headed toward.
Hey Christian – thanks for the comment! While I don’t work on PSO2 or anything related to Shining Force, I was a big (read: really big) PSO fan, and played the originals for a good 3-5k hours across different platforms.
As to SF, I only heavily played the Genesis versions, but I really loved those. One thing that I do want to note is that a title like Hatsune Miku: Project DIVA f isn’t something you’d probably expect to see here in the West.
We worked really hard to try and bring this series out for you all, and I hope you can share in the joy that Miku fans can have today at seeing the game release. I appreciate your dedication! You have my support once again for Project Diva f. Bought the PS3 version on release and will do the same for Vita. You can tell a lot of love and care went into this game from its artistically crafted cinematography for each video and thoughtful button presses that goes perfectly with the beat of each song. Eyal Press Beautiful Souls Pdf File. Project Diva F was my personal Game of the Year for 2013, not The Last of Us or GTA V.
Even though those two games have unique experiences of their own, Project Diva F kept me coming back to better my performance with each song with its addictive gameplay. Hope to see Project Diva F 2nd in the West soon, you will definitely have my support once again! I’m so getting this when it’s posted to the PSN! I’ve had the Japanese release since its release back in 2012, but I was annoyed when the PS3 release came out that it had more songs that I couldn’t get. I’m happy that I don’t have to get a PS3 now just for this game and those additional songs. With that said with the game itself I’mma get that $10 song pack and play the heck out of the ‘new’ songs.
I have one question though: When I purchase and download this US localized version of Project Diva F will it be able to access the same save data file that my Japanese cart can? I’d prefer to not start over since I have a few songs on ‘hard’ where I’ve achieved EXCELLENT status. Not easy to do for me.