Bluetooth Serial Connection Matlab Central
Hello All, My last question helped me a lot and I've made some progress in establishing a connection. I've downloaded a Bluetooth driver for my USB dongle and now I can create a Serial Port for my Bluetooth connection. However, I've created only one COM port, is it possible to read and write to the same COM port?
Connection to arduino using bluetooth. Learn more about arduino, bluetooth Control System Toolbox.
The reason for this question, is that I'm currently not receiving anything on this COM port. I can write without errors, but I don't know how to check if it is received on my Bluetooth Device. Does anyone have any tips or ideas?
Greetings, Hans. You can read/write on the same COM port. The trick to checking whether data is being sent or received by the serial port and your device is to use some sort of serial port monitor. Googling for it, should give you plenty of hits. The serial port monitor can confirm whether the data is being sent to the device and vice-versa.
Once you can confirm data is being sent and received, you would have to then check whether its the correct data (i.e: you are sending out the exact commands that your device expects). Hi I have bluetooth device powered by an arduino which I can connect via COM port in a serial monitor such as putty. However I cannot do this in matlab. I set this up as a normal com port as follows: s = serial('COM6','BaudRate',9600,'DataBits',8,'StopBits',1,'Parity','None','FlowControl','None','ByteOrder','bigEndian','DataTerminalReady','off'); fopen(s); I usually get an error at fopen like this: Error using serial/fopen (line 72) Open failed: Cannot connect to the COM6 port.
Introduction To Botany Nabors Ebook. Possible reasons are another application is connected to the port or the port does not exist. Error in arduino2matlab (line 13) fopen(s); Or sometimes it states that port is not open and then lists that same port as an available port.
I'm sure I've closed it in the serial monitor and nothing else should be using it. File From Ftp Vb Net Tutorial Visual Basic. And when I use this code for hard-wire usb it works fine in matlab. I just don't understand why I cannot open the port in matlab but can in putty.
Hello, it´s my first time working with Bluetooth to comunicate with matlab and I have a problem that it seems many people had. I hope to find a solution by providing specific problems I have. If you need any more tests or screenshots I will provide you. I have a HC05 module, controllin with Arduino Nano OR Uno (I´m traying with both). And I have confirmed the SPP conexion in my PC(windows 7), in device manager: as you can see, bluetooth is recognized as COM12 And COM13.
And when I try to read with COM12 in matlab it sends me an error, but when I try to connect through COM13 it at least gives me a warning: I´m reading 4 Force Sensors in Arduino that I want to read in a GUI of matlab. I thought that may be the delay I was giving in Arduino could be interfering so I changed it to 20mseconds. And nothing changed. Down the image is the information of the port in Matlab. I have searched a few and they: say it´s a inactivated time that the hardware have and it´s an error that just can be solved if I wait 3 hours. I tried that and nothing.
Can someone help me? I want to add updated information about this problem: I tried with another module (HC06) and then it did conexion through Putty! So basically I confirmed that the module is sending data to serial port, which it wasn´t like that with HC05. But the problem with MatLab is still there. Bacause when I try to comunicate through the same COM (COM5) that was confirmed with Putty, it gives me this error: Open failed: Port: COM5 is not available.
Available ports: COM1, COM4. Use INSTRFIND to determine if other instrument objects are connected to the requested device. Although I have caution with closing the putty program before I open matlab. Also, I confirmed that the module has a continue light on when is connected with putty and this doesn't occur with matlab, which makes me assume that Matlab is not trying at all to comunicate with HC06.
One more thing. When I try by changing the baudrate, gives me this error.
Which as you can see it´s not coherent: 'Open failed: Port: COM5 is not available. Available ports: COM1, COM4, COM5, COM8. Use INSTRFIND to determine if other instrument objects are connected to the requested device.' Someone have any idea?
It's very important project to me, so any ideas would be appreciated! It feels weird answering your own question, but I think that it can be of use to someone else (and I want share this feeling of success.): I just did it! I´m not sure which of the adjustments were the solution but what I did was to install bluetooth device software for windows, because I saw that in Mac were less problems like this. Also I delayed for a while (2 seconds) after the opening of the port in matlab. I´m still havin some problems of the size of the data to receive because I´m sending 4 sensor datas in 8 columns, but the conexion is perfect(the baudrate I´m using for now is 9600).